First Level Ever

First level ever. I would like some feedback, I know i’m going to get negative feedback, so maybe some tips/pointers? Thanks!


Pots in my opinion have no place outside. Chests shouldn’t be placed as so willingly as to you did. That cliff you have there is pretty random.
Symmetry is powerful, but shouldn’t be overused, you’re kinda pushing it. And your basic shape outlines are too square, with houses you can get away with it, but grass patches and co? no.

Looks better than some of the older Graal the Adventure levels.

I was about to say the exact same thing.

Tricxta has some points, but you did a great job, feel free to submit your levels to my server anytime!

is this part of a server, or just a stand alone level?

Sure beats my crappy levels. I’ve been at this for 15 years.

Not bad for a first level!

There are some glaring tile errors here and there, and it feels (and looks) rushed. Take some time and look at what other people have done in the past.

We could probably sit here and nit-pick your level all day, but it won’t make your levels any better. If you want to get better I suggest just looking at what other people have done and try to pick out the reasons the level looks good and try to emulate it.

Using premade tile objects is exactly when people should be doing when they first start making levels. Next phase is playing with water and cliffs. After that it’s mimicking other peoples’ styles.

looks like a GTA level, would fuck