There is no login thing on home page.
Re: Fix the home page
And the servers tab still shows 0 players on all servers.
- Font color on ie7 for registration page is the same as the bg.
Re: Fix the home page
And the settings page of users profile is 404'ing
Re: Fix the home page
There is…
[quote=HandupOnYoHip ]
And the servers tab still shows 0 players on all servers.[/quote]
Listserver issue, talk to Joey or Nalin about it.
Why the hell would you use IE7 anyway? Use a decent browser.
It's not done. I will fix this later. You'll be able to alter your settings for Homepage, Wiki, Forums and the game.
Thank you all for notifying about this.
Re: Fix the home page
It's not showing. It is there, just not showing.
Re: Fix the home page
I have no problem seeing it in Firefox 2.0
Re: Fix the home page
But yeah, the registration text definetly is screwed in IE7. I use both firefox and IE7, not saying IE is hot sexy but 80% of internet users use it. So unless were cock blocking them to get smarter fox users it's kinda a bug.
Re: Fix the home page
All for nominating cock blocking for IE in promotion of the user getting a decent browser, raise your hands and say “Aye”.
Re: Fix the home page
WoW recently had a april fools joke which added a javascript into their forums which made everyones posts include 'Rolf Lawl lolcats I lol'd IRL' Ect… 90% of firefox users complained that they couldn't use the forums for the whole duration cause of 'malicious script' trying to run… firefox can't even run a simple javascript without dying and thinking its trying to be compromised… Failure.
;D I personally have never ever had a problem with EI6/7 and I don't have any spyware or annoying plugins ^^
Re: Fix the home page
IE7 isn't composed to standards (IE8 is their attempt to), its also full of security holes. Firefox is more secure and composes to standard, so more things work on Firefox than IE7. (Like alpha layers in pngs on webpages)
Re: Fix the home page
Never had issues with images, or with secruity, never been hacked, never had a virus that stopped my computer from working, if I ever got a virus I just removed it from regedit and deleted it and I doubt they were ever from IE Where as I have heard multiple reports of many things not working on firefox, some sites sometimes even try to script into it 'blockers' so IE users can't see the site but you can always just hit the stop function before the scripts load (lol at stupid kids)
Re: Fix the home page
Haha, that does sound stupid.
But I've actually had IE infected a few times, both times infected by something unknown; It would just slow to a crawl, it would take ages for webpages to load, and it was IE causing the trouble.
Course now IE is trying to be more like Firefox (and the OS more like Mac OSX).
Only reason people use IE is because its usually the only thing they know of, and think everything will be fine. And for most simple people, this is true.
Re: Fix the home page
Ah well each to their own, I've seen and know of tons of webbrowsers Firefox, modzilla, opera… the list goes on and I have yet to like any of them, IE simplistic and never has an issue for me ^^
and yeah IE has jumped on the whole 'firefox tab system' bandwagon which slightly annoyed me, too many tabs I start to notice a slow down, (15 tabs on a page+) so just stopped using them except on the odd occasion that I want to keep reading while I let something else load/am interested in xD
Re: Fix the home page
You know, you can customize firefox to look like IE in a sence.
Small icons, get rid of the second bar, don't allow for tabs with new links.
Re: Fix the home page
But I would fail to see how it would be any different then? xD they both just show websites? IE works fine as is so I don’t see any need to replace it “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” xD
Re: Fix the home page
Re: Fix the home page
[quote=Hashi ]
“if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”[/quote]
“Preventative medicine”
Re: Fix the home page
You all fail. Topic Locked.
Everyone uses something different, can be from IE to Opera bottom line is either someone here WANTS to fix it or not. Not everyone uses the same damn thing. People say Firefox sucks, people say IE sucks, it doesn't matter the topic is off hand and it doesn't look like it going to be fixed.
Re: Fix the home page
Agret is a good boy when it comes to the forums, he has done some good work that would've taken longer for me to fix. I bet he'll be fixing this now.
Re: Fix the home page
Till then, I'll be stressing people with my Gralat count.