Flute Help!

Im trying to make a flute in which when you press a key, a diffrent note comes.

toweapons flute}
setani playtrump.gani,;
if(keypressed)play rha_flute8;

Re: Flute Help!

uh, somewhat close. Heres some helpful knowledge.

setani gani,param; Do not include ‘.gani’ for ganis, it is assumed.
Also end your commands with ; (The “toweapons flute”)
The ‘play file;’ requires the extension names to play the file, eg: .wav, .mp3, .ogg

Also remember to include multiple commands for a flag within brackets { }
if(condition) command; Good
if(condition) {command;} Good
if(condition) {command; command2;} Good
if(condition) command; command2; Bad (only 'command;' is affected by the flag/condition, the command2 is not affected because it is outside of it's field, meaning it will be called regardless wether or not the condition(s) are met.

The 'play file;' command plays noises locally. <- This is where ganis come in
The gani tells players what noise to play, how? The Param (parameters).
if(weaponfired) play playtrump,rha_flute8.wav;

Re: Flute Help!

Thanks, but can you please make it into a script for me to review and use? :3

Re: Flute Help!

Touchme -> Toweapons
Weaponfired -> Loop -> Freezeplayer
Loop -> Keydown 1~4 -> setani gani,param;
Loop -> keydown 6 -> Break loop (break loop's condition)
Broken Loop -> Unfreeze player, setani idle,;

Re: Flute Help!

I really don't know how to do that. :o
Can you send it to me as a:
if(action) actionup;

Re: Flute Help!
