As some of you’ve noticed Graal Reborn is back at full capacity and releasing GServer updates every now and then. We would like to see more activity on the forums.
I’m logged on the forum 24/7 and post a lot .
It would be nice to have more active people though Instead of the usual crowd.
ac…tiv… people?
Why would you want active people?
ac…tiv… people?
Why would you want active people?
The more busy the forums are, the more attention they attract. The more people you get involved, equals more chances of them telling friends.
It could only help.
Thus activity is very useful.
k. sorry. i’ll stay this time. i think. i hope. i’ll try.
i think i need a password change tho.
i just changed it on the forums right now.
when trying to log in to game, if i try to use that new password,i get “account name or password is invalid”
then again, i’m not sure if it’s even connecting (maybe my software or files are out of date?)
any help would be appreciated, thanks
edit: found the solution by lurking moar
now i have no excuse to not play…
Face it. Activity on the forums died after I left, or so I believe (sure does seem like it).
Not just you Dangerless. . . lol
[QUOTE=Dangerless;6623]Face it. Activity on the forums died after I left, or so I believe (sure does seem like it).[/QUOTE]
No. . . it’s actually “School”. lol
People are busy with their school homework and what not.
Seriously, how many people besides Teenagers do you think play the game?
Don’t bring in “It’s the weekend though”. Since some people have more things to do besides posting on the forums.
Also other than that being a big reason, it’s simple to put that we have no content worth playing.
That’s why people are still glued to Graal Online. Sad to say, but it’s true.
It’s easy to make a classic world, it’s harder to make something interesting to today’s youth. lol So to put it simple, stop making all these classic worlds and aim higher. That’s why Zodiac even though it’s classic base, has a RPG system to it and is usually higher ranked than UN.
(PS: Dangerless! You weren’t that popular 0.0)
You weren’t someone to have a good conversation with. Well at least in my eyes.
Anyways! These are my thoughts on Graal Reborn in a general perspective.
No, dangerless, we lost more than half of the crowd when we took the site down for a month. And yes, only the übernerds and out-of-schoolers make time to post on these forums. That is Pickle, Nalin, Joey and me from the crew. Although Joey IS busy with school and Pickle is only active on IRC.
Didn’t realize, that normal school had started (High School and the whole new yards). Though your right RileyFiery theres no doubt in mind about it, too bad it isn’t as active as it once was (you know, before Graal Reborn changed the first time). I only wish we had an active community, hopefully one day that is. Not just that I thought I was pretty popular…coughs in a special way.
Cadavre, was this last month? If so, I wanted to ask you or Joey about the story I’d love to find out about it.
Nonetheless though, at least Graal Reborn is back to full capacity and once I get my real internet hooked up I’ll be around even more.
[QUOTE=Dangerless;6628]once I get my real internet hooked up I’ll be around even more.[/QUOTE]
Can’t wait . . . . ::Suicide::
Welcome back anyways Dangerless.
Joey took down the site to talk with Unixmad. Something along those lines.
Anyways!!! Like I was saying, we have no content worth playing.
I’m for Negitar’s original idea. I’ll put a halt on my server and it’s content to help a team or something finish one decent server. It better not be classic is all I’m saying. Classic is fun, but it’s old now. Which brings back my whole point of why Zodiac b[/b] is so popular compared to UN.
Even though Zodiac is basically a Classic server with an RPG system slapped on it.
Any who . . .
Most of the people that come here (about 80.7%) are looking forward to playing one of the official graal servers (UN, Era,Zodiac,Classic,Maloria etc). I mean this site does give you that thought because its graal…and when they played graal they played on those servers. I came here looking forward to that too but im happy with what we have (although these servers could really use a couple 50 more people) so im staying.
Not exactly, not everyone expects the Graal Online servers. They just expect servers that are playable. Which we have none besides the classic servers. No one likes to play Classic anymore. Well I personally like it now and then, I love more in depth rpg systems though/worlds.
[QUOTE=SeraphX;6643]Most of the people that come here (about 80.7%) are looking forward to playing one of the official graal servers (UN, Era,Zodiac,Classic,Maloria etc). I mean this site does give you that thought because its graal…and when they played graal they played on those servers. I came here looking forward to that too but im happy with what we have (although these servers could really use a couple 50 more people) so im staying.[/QUOTE]
I hate you.
I been…trolling these forums >_> I basicly spend my time on the TBM Forums and aimbots net mombot co uk
also >_> rawr
[QUOTE=Spooon;6656]I hate myself.[/QUOTE]
and I hate you too
Douche bag.
I could swear I know you Dontar. 0.0
which is why i said 80.7%
Love you too spooon
I been…trolling these forums >_> I basicly spend my time on the TBM Forums and aimbots net mombot co uk
also >_> rawr
I thought the kitty cat jokes got to you, Dontar.
and I hate you too
Douche bag.
I could swear I know you Dontar. 0.0
Dontar is my old LAT from when Graal Reborn was a 1.39 server.
If you find a asian kid called Tsuyoshi that do pixelart, that’s my GAT.
Dontar is my old LAT from when Graal Reborn was a 1.39 server.
If you find a asian kid called Tsuyoshi that do pixelart, that’s my GAT.
Ah, well I know the name some other way too . . I just can’t remember. 0.0 Actually yeah, it might have been that. . or not . . xD Tsuyoshi sounds familiar too. “Looks”
I was admin on here before I got into one of my depression induced suicidal moods and deleted my own account, and I
have used Dontar in MANY games, including World of Warcraft’s Deathknell and Sandoria (free) private servers. Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction, D2Maniac’s Eastern Sun Realm, Blockland’s The Better Mod, Fly for Fun, Pengya, Knight Online, Gunbound, Maplestory, Warrock, Empires HL2, Dystopia HL2, Team Fortress Classic, Natural Selection, Freelancer Pheonix RPG server, Savage Battle For Newarth. a few more online games but I cannot remember them anymore.