Graal Reborn Login Issue

If it’s not known already, there is a small login issue where you have to enter your credentials twice.

it doesnt matter anymore. this forum is dead as the game.

No it isn’t.


That has been a long term forum issue. I have no idea how to fix it.

Wait… what’s the issue exactly and i’ll look into it

After signing in you get this error. The strange thing is, when you get this error if you just continue onto the forums (ignoring the error and clicking the home icon) it’ll sign you in. No need to sign in again, although it appears that you have to.


Oh, that’s because it’s using two domains. If you try to log-on to it’ll mess up. should work fine. Marlon wanted to move everything to opengraal. Personally, I like

lol what’s an opengraal

Yeah it’s what I recall noticing back when I was regularly switching computers.

I also prefer since it’s shorter.

Hello, we cannot create any more of password to play on the servers?.

Why not to put as before the guest account ?

Otherwise do you think of putting back the option for the passwords of games ?.

Thanks guys!
Explaniations, All positive feedback, information topics, this forum isn’t dead. Just needs people who care.
