Graal Reborn PW needs more staff for it to be able to keep going. Currently it’s only me and Chicken that is staff. Chicken does levels, I’m the manager and I do levels (I’m not that good though).
I had to fire Dontar because his levels wasn’t that good. Marty got kicked because of half-assed levels and he just dissapeared.
So if someone want a LAT job on Graal Reborn PW and is willing to try to go for a certain style. PM me what you’ve done earlier.
Good, and I’m back home from Australia soon so I’ll be able to do some work too.
Actually did some work today. Started to do some of the volcano quest. We must figure out where the player should start though. But I have an idea of how it will start.
[QUOTE=Spooon;12431]Neat-o. Volcano tiles are the asshole of the tileset though.[/QUOTE]
I’m not going to use those. Maybe the lava-tiles, but the rest should just be dungeon tiles and seteffect. I could use some help doing some insides there if you’d like to help. I’ll deal with the scripting later. Like it would have a quest-map-system much like Zelda: A link to the past has. You have to get the compass and map in chests around in the dungeon to be able to see where you are on the map and where everything is. Going to need some help from beholder with that though. If you don’t want to do the dungeon insides, you could try do some insides in my town at the south part of the island. Make sure the house insides match the outside building.
Volcano tiles are easy as to use it’s just not used so often so peoples are like WTF WHERE IS? but honestly Volcano look so mint if done correctly. Cadavre fly to New Zealand plase I need a sober driver >.>
I removed the bad part of the overworld and we’re going to slowly progress into a overworld from what we got. Going to make a desert somewhere so the pyramid will fit.
Newbie guide.
Fix tile errors in Unix-Graal area.
Add insides to all houses.
Add correct links to the already existing insides to Unix-Graal area.
Tis been a while since I’ve worked with Graal coding, but if I get better at it, I wouldn’t mind helping out, if you need it. I’ll probably let people know I’m freelance, if I become freelance.
I won’t charge for my services. You can quote me on that. It’s a video game that consumes a little of my time. Freelancing is a price to pay for enjoyment.
this is the offical graal reborn server? if it is, ill help with custom sounds, item and weapon graphics, as well as im really good with level design. give me a shout back, im usually in chat working away on my roleplay realm.