Hey! You sexy devils. Anyway, I was making some intro screens aswell as hud work and I keep noticing a recurring cut-out transparencies in my images. Using Photoshop to save as gifs(pngs saved thru photoshop don't work at all.) it seems to think parts of the image are transparent.
Is it just pure white that is transparent? or any color you have surrounding all 4 borders of the image. (I have seen green, purple, black and white used as transparent colors for graal sprite sheets)
Pure Black can be considered transparent under certain conditions, 16 colors I think.
Paint Shop Pro does a better job at saving PNGs as you can control the palette much better. I use Animagic for gifs, because its not only easier for animating, but saves as 256 colors regardless.
By default, in MS Paint and Photoshop, it will try saving with a 24 bit palette, this means 16 million colors… Only v4 and up can support this palette (And only the later v4 & v5's can properly support alpha mapping of 24bit palettes)
Love Photoshop! Lovvvve it. To the print screen thing, photoshop makes all new images to the size of the clipboard image if you have something copied to the clipboard.
I used to use PSP and Photoshop side by side back in the day and they're both pretty sweet. Though I tried using PSP at work a few months back and for some reason all I could really do was touch up photos. lol I donno whats with making new versions with all the same stuff rearranged, but aparently they do it. And thanks everyone for answering about the palettes, that helps a ton.
lol. My biggest beef with Photoshop is I can't figure out how to do pixel-editting. But, I'll be the first to admit that the newest versions of PSP are pretty janky. I'll probably never go higher than 8. I tried once and hated them.
I like them all, anything that you can make an image in is fine by me. Windows Paint is just fun.
Ah really though I like using Adobe Cs3. For animation I use Jasc Animation Shop. Found it years ago and I still like it, lately I have been screwing around with Animations in Cs3. Not too bad. . . . lol
Sort of gave up on Paint Shop Pro a long time ago.
lol. I love a challenge. There's only one abandware out there that I've been looking for and can't find: The first Earth Siege game. (Also known as StarSiege.)
I remember when Metal Fatigue was abandon ware, its a great game by the way but you can notice a few directx quirks compared to then and now, some colors on the ground are now considered transparent, causing some parts to be see through.
Anywho, the game was basically “off of the internets” between 2001 and 2006.
Woo, managed to find a copy, better yet, about a year ago someone actually gave up the ISO instead of the old rip. This game would be so fucking awesome if it got a new graphics engine, anything would be an improvement, it had a lot of potential.
Sidenote, the title of this topic always makes me want to say: “Graal Standards? What standard?”