Graal + Virtual Machine

I can’t be fucked to make Graal work nicely with Windows 8. So I decided to boot up my XP virtual machine and see where that gets me.

I was immediately greeted by this problem upon booting into PWA. Anyone got any ideas?

stefan wrote special stuff to make graal not work in virtual machines

That’s bullshit but I believe it.

Why not upgrade to 10? Works fine on my machine.

fix’d. I’m only using Win8 because of certain parts in my computer performing slightly better.

Famous last words, RIP.

I was referring to the quote though. After I rebooted my pc, Graal_222 just decided to reiterate the message, and I don’t really care about Graal enough to debug it for hours.

But tricxta has something amazing you haven’t seen, aren’t you curious?

of course I am. Too bad Graal is terrible and wont cooperate with my system lol
Win8 errors:

I’ve literally changed none of my settings, which is Run As Administrator (Auto) + Run in Compatibility Mode for Windows XP (SP3)

Try some of the other clients. Sometimes they work

Sent from my SM-N920R7 using Tapatalk

all of them started throwing that error, including Graal_editor.exe. I put my computer to sleep while the client was up, and that was the end of it.

It works flawless on my Windows XP virtual machine.
Haven’t tried to put my computer to sleep but it works.

I use virtual box and some random 32 bit windows xp iso I found on the internet.

If you want to run it on Windows 8, try to set your client’s affinity to just one of your cores.

It fixed it for me.

That’s what I thought until I ran it for more than like, 3 minutes. How long did you play it on XP? How recent was this test?

I keep forgetting this is an option. I’ll check it out some time.

That was last week, testing my custom dead=drop item. I had a client opened both on my VM and computer. The test lasted like… 10 minutes?

Have you tried to erase FILENAMECACHE.txt in your graal_reborn directory? (just saying anything, like a bot would).