GS1 Questions!

  1. I’ve always wanted to start programming for my server, I never really knew where to start, but honestly, I have got the majority of the commands memorized and I’ve used most of them for several tests…the question is: what next? I’ve got the commands (which are basically like attributes to the actual script, if I am correct) but what should I learn to do next? I’ve tried decomposing some code posted in the Script Archive but most of it is confusing me. Any ideas?

  2. I might learn GS2 at some point, will GS1 confuse me or help me? Most people I have talked to said that it would confuse me…But then again, wouldn’t GS1 also confuse me if I wanted to learn other programming languages like C++, Java…
    I’m only good at client-side programming so most of this is new to me. Plus I heard GS1 wasn’t actual programming. :confused:
    I “hear” a lot of things, just wanted to be properly informed so do your magic Reborn community. :slight_smile:

Have you made stuff in GS1 yet, or did you just memorize the syntax? You can play “Pass The Buck” with yourself. Basically you write some outrageous GS1 project idea on some paper. Then you wait a few minutes (or however long it takes you to get distracted with something else) and then come back to rethink your idea to make a more simple/feasible. Anyway, you do this 4 or 5 times until your end result is something you can actually do and is still awesome. If you got some friends (lucky you), you can Pass The Buck between yourselves and get a few ideas rolling at once.

Edit: I know this sounds super dumb, but it works.

haha, I’ve had lot’s of crazy ideas that I’ve tried to simplify, but I can barely do anything.
I know the basic commands to get me through like: followplayer; drawoverplayer; setcoloreffect, noplayerkilling; sleep…all of those…
The problem is, I don’t know what to do next: maybe variables?
I saw a great thread awhile ago that Alex Damian started and I think he said something about learning the commands first then moving onto variables.
Rather than just rushing into something, I want to go through it step by step + the “trial and error” concept that all faulty programmers experience. :slight_smile:

I don’t think you get it. GS1 is not around so you can learn GS1. GS1 is around so you can make stuff.

But the problem is that I want to be able to script stuff like GUI’s or complex systems that require heavy code…
I don’t want to borrow code from other people unless I know what I’m taking.
If someone gives you a toolbox and tells you 3 things about it and walks away, how are you going to get anything done? Sure you can fix things here and there, but
there’s no point in trying to go further without instructions.

What the hell? There is almost an infinate amount of things you can make in GS1. You are not limited to making GUI’s and editing other people’s scripts. Grow some balls and open up the editor.

I never said the possibility’s were limited, I set those things as a long term goal.
How the fuck am I suppose to script something if I don’t understand half of what’s going on.
If GS1 isn’t suppose to be learned then why can’t the majority of people script in-game systems?
I’ll tell you why: because they don’t know how to. It’s logic

Rammy, I have understood your needs, and I am prepared to send you one FULLY functional tentacle worm parasite. These marvelous parasites will crawl into your nose while you sleep (or just gulp one down) and make its way up to your brain. Once settled in your frontal lobe, it will begin to feed off of your fantasies and replace them with PURE GS1 knowledge. You will be able to make anything you want with full comprehension and clarity inside the Graal realm. Soon (about 2 days after worm insertion), you will be the envy of all your Graal friends. Please let me know if you are interested.

I think what hosler means to tell you is that you’re considering it too much.

No, GS1 isn’t actual programming. It’s that the library it uses is so “high level” it doesn’t let you do stuff a programming language like C++ or wtv will let you do. Therefore it’s called scripting. (GS1 = Graal Script v1)

You seem not to know what a main loop is yet. If you still want to consider before doing stuff, that would be the next logical step imo.

You’re going to be able to make loops with the timeout command and if(timeout).
With that, you will be able to repeat calculations, listen to input… have more active code that doesn’t only depend on external input.
Take a moving npc for example, the x and y you need to modify with a loop are actually variables. You can create whatever variables for whatever use you can think.

Consider too the anatomy of a program. Any programming languages’ thorough or beginner/intermediate level tutorial will explain that.
We have data of multiple types, these are the variables (strings and integers are examples of types of variables present in GS1).
We have functions, such as “sleep” in GS1.
We have conditionals, such as “if” and “for”.
We have syntax, which is like our grammar; in scripting, it helps the program read itself.
(we might have other things that are not on top of my head right now)

Timeout is a function when you call “timeout = .05”[it’s the fastest timeout you can do in graal btw] (or whatever integer(integer means number)). A boolean(true or false) variable inside the if conditional. I might be wrong but I guess a script will check itself at the end of every timeout to see if there is a conditional that says stuff should happen on a timeout, it makes timeout kind of a special case, specific to GS1. It will happen because “timeout” is set to true after a timeout. So the “if(timeout)”, like every conditional, verifies if the assertion between parenthesis is true and runs the code linked to it when it is. Be aware though that code is always read top down, so if an assertion wasn’t true when a conditional was read, it will not happen when the assertion becomes true but when the code is ran again.

That’s pretty much it.

The only danger to learning a particular programming language is the possible closed-mindedness or confusion caused by its particularity and fake similarities with other programming languages.

Okay thank you.
I’m not looking to become a master scripter, I just want to know what I’m doing.
That’s all I asked for. I may be going overboard, but that’s why I asked for steps.
I don’t want to get confused later on :frowning:


That is exactly what I don’t understand yet.
I knew that I was missing something big, so I posted here.

I’m pretty sure scripting is called scripting for an entirely different reason.

You might want to reread, I edited heavily in the intent of being as thorough as possible.

What don’t you understand exactly about timeouts?

___Merged doublepost__________________

Huh, yeah… according to wiki it’s a bit more complex than that but for the sake of simplicity I think this is close enough to reality.

edit: I just realized how wrong I was in my phrasing. Of course it isn’t the reason why it is called scripting. I’m pretty sure those who coined the word had a pretty cool reason. But, to me, it’s the most important trait of a scripting language for someone who’s starting to program; the reason why it is separate to programming and why it needed a different word.

edit again:
It seems there is kind of a raging debate on the term:

I don’t believe those who say interpreted language means scripting language… it’s quite beside the pragmatic tendencies of influential programmers to have two terms signify the same thing. The rest kind of parallels my explanation in a bit more technical or cynical manner.

edit again again:
This is the best description I found:

It’s not the timeouts, it’s everything in general: variables, functions… I’ve got most of it down,
due to the fact that I’ve learned other programming languages.
The problem is syntax.

Anyway, I’ll just search for tutorials around the forum.

From what I remember of when I first learned gs1… its syntax was based off of javascript… amirite?

But are you sure it’s syntax? Syntax is just order and punctuation (anyway, that’s how I see it). If you already went through already made code and are able to make functional scripts you know enough of it to make great code. Sometimes cool syntax(?) tricks are brought up but they’re not absolute necessity to know.

Anyway, good luck… if you’d like me to try to pinpoint what’s missing maybe if I took a peek at your latest script(s) I’d have an idea, I feel like helping.

I’ll definitely need help soon, thanks!

GS1’s syntax is based off of a 5 year old pounding a keyboard.

I personally have no problem with it. It’s pretty logical and consistent. I don’t see what your problem with it is.

You seem to have a problem with everything.

#whatever, everything being a string for the most part, clunky strings, unintuitive arrays, awkward variable prefixes, “events” that simply trigger the entire script to run, no function parameters, code outside of functions, and whatever else I might’ve missed.