Who the fuck hosts this >:B?

I do, I gave it to Kalzor way back because I offered to host Graal The Adventure for him. But he stopped using it since the Linux version had som bugs in it back then.

Speaking of GTA. Give me my rights back, Skoopa.

Skoopa, I told you who hosts it.

kalzor, you said Joey <:B

and spooon, wth did you have, as… you have no rights right now for some reason, i didn’t edit them ?_?

Cadavre, is there something special you did to get the other text maps working, like graal castle, everything looks right in my ops but the only map that works is the overworld bigmap -_-.

Warpto, summon, update level, edit attrs, edit own attrs

levels, images, heads&etc, guilds

Ask Kalzor…

Every time I go to look the server is down.

O’ Rly? It’s always up. The only time it’s down is because of a gserver update, which takes like 30 seconds top. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yarly, like right now for example.

This is weird. It’s running on the same serverbinary as Vinland which is online. So someone have probably shut it down…

Either that or its using the same port. Which would force a lot of spamming.

No, it worked before and noone can change the port from serveroptions.txt since it’s defined in servers.txt. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, the server is restarted.

[CODE]# Specifies where players go when they say “unstick me”.
unstickmelevel = onlinestartlocal.nw
unstickmex = 30
unstickmey = 30.5
startlevel = splashscreen.nw


Players in these levels cant warp out nor can they PM other players.

jaillevels = police2.nw,police4.nw


Enable/disable explosions.

noexplosions = false


Enable/disable the ability of the player to change their look.

setbodyallowed = true
setheadallowed = true
setshieldallowed = true
setswordallowed = false
setcolorsallowed = true


Defines the amount of Gralats a player drops with they die.

mindeathgralats = 1
maxdeathgralats = 50


If set to false, only players with the Change Staff Accounts right can alter gralats.

normaladminscanchangegralats = true


These guilds appear in the “Staff” section of the player list.

staffguilds = Server,Manager,Owner,Admin,FAQ,LAT,NAT,GAT,GP,GP Chief,Bugs Admin,NPC Admin,Gani Team,GFX Admin,Events Team,Events Admin,Guild Admin


Accounts which are recognized by the server as staff. To be allowed access to RC, your account must be here.

(Manager) and the like are just placeholders to organize the list. They are not guilds.

staff = (Manager),cadavre,kalzor,my_tea_4,(FAQ Admin),Spooon,(Developer),Kevin Azite,


Enables/disables item dropping from various sources.

bushitems also affects certain tiles other than bushes.

tiledroprate affects bushitems only.

If making a 1.41 server, set bushitems, vasesdrop, and baddyitems to false as the 1.41 client generates items.

bushitems = true
vasesdrop = true
baddyitems = false
dropitemsdead = true
tiledroprate = 50


If enabled, it will allow negative power swords which will heal players when used.

healswords = false


Timeout in seconds for respawning objects.

respawntime affects tile changes.

respawntime = 15
horselifetime = 30
baddyrespawntime = 60


Allows any player to use the warpto command.

warptoforall = false


Alters the possible status options in the player list.

playerlisticons = Online,Away,DND,Eating,Hiding,No PMs,RPing,Sparring,PKing


Selects what is displayed in the players profile.

Name:=variable, where variable can also be a flag on the players account.

profilevars = Kills:=playerkills,Deaths:=playerdeaths,Hearts:=playerhearts,Full Hearts:=playerfullhearts,Rating:=playerrating,Alignment:=playerap,Gralat:=playerrupees,Swordpower:=playerswordpower,Shieldpower:=playershieldpower,Spin Attack:=canspin,------:=null,GC Tickets:=GCTix,Bowling Level:=bowlinglevel,Bowling Highscore:=bowlinghiscore


Global guild settings.

If globalguilds is true, global guilds are allowed. If false, allowedglobalguilds specifies which guilds are allowed.

globalguilds = true
allowedglobalguilds =


AP system settings.

If apsystem is set to true, it activates some restrictions regarding hearts for low AP players.

For the aptime# options, the values are the time in seconds it takes to recharge one point of AP for the given range.

aptime4 is used for AP values between 80 and 100. aptime 3 for 60 through 80. And so on until 0 is between 0 and 20.

apsystem = true
aptime0 = 30
aptime1 = 90
aptime2 = 300
aptime3 = 600
aptime4 = 1200


Defines limits to hearts, swords, and shields.

heartlimit = 9
swordlimit = 3
shieldlimit = 3


Enables or disables the putnpc script command.

putnpcenabled = true


If true, disable the ability.

dontchangekills = false


Flag options.

If dontaddserverflags is true, any server. flag changes sent by the client are rejected.

If cropflags is true, any client and server flags will be cropped to 223 characters.

The flag name and equal sign are INCLUSIVE!

It is recommended to not turn this off unless you know the repercussions of doing so.

dontaddserverflags = false
cropflags = true


If true, idle players are removed after maxnomovement seconds.

disconnectifnotmoved = true
maxnomovement = 1200


If true, moved push/pull blocks arent sent to other players.

clientsidepushpull = true


If false, it will prevent the player from obtaining items like bomb, bow, superbomb, etc.

defaultweapons = false


If true, it will trim NPC code to try to save space.

trimnpccode = false


List of bigmap.txt type maps used by the server. It lets the server know the level layout

so you can see players move and talk in adjacent levels.

maps = bigmap2.txt, ccbig.txt, ccsmall.txt, drislmap.txt, gcmap.txt, labyrinth.txt, minimap.txt, moonmap.txt, nimdamines.txt, oldgraalmap.txt, pyramidmap.txt, usmap.txt, uwmap.txt,


List of gmaps to be used by the server.

gmaps =


The head used by RCs on the server.

staffhead = head25.png


Sets the bigmap and minimap to use.

Setting bigmap will break gmaps.

bigmap = maptext,mapimage,defaultx,defaulty

minimap = maptext,mapimage,defaultx,defaulty

maptext is the bigmap.txt styled file with the levels.

mapimage is the image to use

defaultx and defaulty is the position where the heads of players not on the map will be drawn.

bigmap = bigmap2.txt,bigmap2.png,0,0
minimap = minimap.txt,map2.png,0,0



— Private server options. The changestaffacct right is required to alter these. —


The server details seen from the server list.

name = GTADEV
description = Classic 2004
url =


Specifies the location of the list server.


listip =
listport = 14900


Maximum number of players allowed on the server.

maxplayers = 128


Enables/disables staff only. If true, only accounts in the staff option are allowed on.

onlystaff = false


Set to true to disable the folder configuration.

nofoldersconfig = false


Determines whether or not to use the old “if (created)” style.

In the old style, “if (created)” is called for each player that enters the level for their first time.

oldcreated = true


Determines whether the server handles certain things like signs and links.

Dont set to true.

serverside = false


If folders config is disabled, put additional search directories besides “world” here.

Comma delimited array.

sharefolder =


Sets the language. Currently not implemented.

language = English

Hosted right on the listserver eh? Lol
Also I forgot about being able to set the IP in the servers.txt

god damnit, i had the exact same shit in my ops, still won’t make the other maps work…is it something in the gserver it was using

What is your maps= line? Can you attach one of the broken maps? How does your npc set the map?

nevermind… 2 lines in -System3 were fucking it up -_-

:open_mouth: cool -system3 doesn’t lag me anymore

I need RC rights, too.