Wow, thought it was still pay.
It’s not exactly stupid to get someone to register. It’s just more numbers. The community isn’t as active as you think, take a look at who logs on.
There’s the occasional “New Account” who logs on for a minute, posts one thing, then leaves.
Other than that:
Me, you, Joey, Agret, Cadavre, Nalin, SeraphX, Sublime, Spooon, Dontar, Blah Blah Blah
Just the regular people who log in almost every day.
Which isn’t that many.
Now if you think of this 20+ Guest list. Think how more active it would be if they were registered and input their opinions. (Headaches for Cadavre) Other than that though, it helps to have numbers.
As for your last statement. . . We just don’t have “Anti-Graal” in the name anymore. lol
It’s still worth it and can’t hurt anything if we make it member status required.
Don’t get me wrong, I would like to see this happen, but its very doubtful at this point in time (school, work, etc). We have 2,194 members as of this moment not even 1/4 of that number even log in so which causes me to believe it wouldn’t be a good idea to do this right now.
Although this leads to all the other problems such as lack of ‘content’ and ‘players’ and the whole nine yards the bottom line is just that it could be a bad move at the moment. Perharps if we start doing something (christmas is coming up and all) that helps not only the community but new members as well we very well could get them to become part and active on our community.
We the community are not really showing much. Support? Sure but otherwise, there isn’t really anything if it weren’t for Nalin there wouldn’t be anything at all by now. Just remember, if we were that is the ‘staff’ of Graal Reborn to do more for content and its members than that would be the more promising step to take not making members join this place for no reason given other to ask for scripts or download gserver updates.
(hopefully I made myself clear)