Yeah I saw this head on a video and I wanna know if it’s a real head or if it was just made for the video. If it’s real can someone tell me the original/correct filename for it?
P.S. Fuck off people who say I can’t use it or to make it myself or whatever.
In order to use a head/sword/shield/body it has to be in one of the host server’s folders. More recently new heads started overriding the older filenames, so for the most part they aren’t on our servers. So I imagine that that head isn’t available on Graal the Adventure (GTA).
If you chat online with “setsword blueflame-sword.png” or “setsword blueflame-sword” it should change your sword. For heads you can use “sethead head#”, like “sethead head20” for most numbers up to at least a thousand. If you see somebody on GTA using a sword/head/shield/body you like, you can find the filename in the matching directory in your Graal folder’s levels folder. This is also the best strategy for finding filenames for resources that don’t follow guessable numbers.
If you do add any heads or images to a server make sure that they don’t have a name that could overwrite something else in other players’ Graal folders.
isn’t that fowlplay’s head? Been so long I can’t remember. You can use it here but not on Zodiac (for obvious reasons). Dunno if you have to convert it in an image editor or not.
I haven’t seen it before. It might be a new custom head made for the smartphone servers. It’s more likely you’ll get an answer to this particular question on
yeah pretty much this
not sure if he’s asking if he can use it on his server or what. On servers here, if you’re lucky enough to have it uploaded, yeah go nuts. Pretty much impossible to use it on any official servers if it really is fowlplay’s (pretty sure it is but I really can’t remember), as he is a well respected player.
The server in the screenshot is Zodiac, so I’d assume it’d be on Zodiac. I don’t play Zodiac so I wouldn’t know what the file is.