Help with a warpto script

This Script works fine in a Level but it have some bugs in a bigmap because it says then warpto -15.132 5.321 worlde2.nw.
I need help there

[CODE] if (created) {
toweapons -Warpto
if (this.warpon == 0 && keypressed && keydown2(keycode(w),true)) {
setplayerprop #c,On;
this.warpon = 1;
this.mousex = mousex;
this.mousey = mousey;
} else if (keypressed && keydown2(keycode(w),true)) {
setplayerprop #c,Off;
this.warpon = 0;

if (this.warpon == 1) {
if (leftmousebutton) {
this.mousex = mousex;
this.mousey = mousey;
setplayerprop #c,warpto #v(this.mousex) #v(this.mousey);

timeout = 0.05;

if (this.warpon == 0) {

Not a bug. GMAPs act as one giant level. Shouldn’t be using GMAPs anyways; they don’t work correctly with our GServer.

Ok, thank you.