How are the tileset coordinates somehow translated to letters in the .nw files?

I’m sure someone here knows how the nw files translate the tile coordinates into letters. What’s the algorithm?
What happens?

I want to save files directly into .nw format through my in client editor. Help about that appreciated, tnx.


it’s a fun puzzle to solve. ill give you a hint: it involves modular division. the easiest way to approach it is to put the entire tileset into a level for testing/looking

here. i found some code i wrote a while back. it’s a python level object.

class Level(object):
    """Load and store the map of the level, together with all the items."""

    def get_number(self, char):
        c = ord(char)
        if c >= ord('A') and c <= ord('Z'): return c - ord('A')
        if c >= ord('a') and c <= ord('z'): return c - ord('a') + 26
        if c >= ord('0') and c <= ord('9'): return c - ord('0') + 52
        if c == ord('+'): return 62
        if c == ord('/'): return 63
        return 0xFF

    def __init__(self, filename="new4.nw"):
        self.tileset = '' = []
        self.items = {}
        self.key = {}
        self.width = 0
        self.height = 0

    def load_file(self, filename="new4.nw"):
        """Load the level from specified file."""
        graallevel = open(filename)
        self.tileset = "pics1.png"
        for line in graallevel:
').split(" ")[5])
        for line in
            keys = [line[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(line), 2)]
            for key in keys:
                """Here is where I can define blocking tiles wooooo"""
                tileinfo = {}
                tileinfo["blocking"] = "false"
                tileinfo["tile"] = str(self.get_number(key[1])%16 + int((self.get_number(key[0])/8)*16))+", "+str((self.get_number(key[0])%8)*4 + int(self.get_number(key[1])/16))
                tileinfo["blocking"] = "false"
                self.key[key] = tileinfo
        self.width = len([0])/2
        self.height = len(

Here’s how I solve it.
This is a snippet of java from one of my projects.

    public static final String BASE_64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

    public static int Base64ToIndex(String base64)
        int baseMul = BASE_64.indexOf(base64.charAt(0));
        int base = BASE_64.indexOf(base64.charAt(1));
        return baseMul * BASE_64.length() + base;
    public static String IndexToBase64(int index)
        int baseMul = Math.floorDiv(index, BASE_64.length());
        int base = index - baseMul * BASE_64.length();
        return Character.toString(BASE_64.charAt(baseMul)) + Character.toString(BASE_64.charAt(base));
    public static final String BASE_64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

    public static int Base64ToIndex(String base64)
        int baseMul = BASE_64.indexOf(base64.charAt(0));
        int base = BASE_64.indexOf(base64.charAt(1));
        return baseMul * BASE_64.length() + base;
    public static String IndexToBase64(int index)
        int baseMul = Math.floorDiv(index, BASE_64.length());
        int base = index - baseMul * BASE_64.length();
        return Character.toString(BASE_64.charAt(baseMul)) + Character.toString(BASE_64.charAt(base));

Here’s how I do it.