I hate this fucking game -.-

forums have been really technical lately so here’s a vid of me fucking up

meanwhile I’m proud of my S score on Recover Decoration with hard mode lel

I hate when streamers play Osu!. They all suck and it’s boring.

I don’t follow

I don’t follow them either.

nah you lost me at “I watch Osu”

you closet weeb.

I don’t watch Osu!. League of Legends streamers play it between queues.

lol wtf I guess they actually believe they’re going to become more accurate because of this game. The brain doesn’t work like that.

also lol technically you’re still watching Osu.

What I meant was that I don’t watch Osu! channels. I fail to see how Osu! wouldn’t help with speed, accuracy, and reaction time.

I was just messing with you. Also just because I can hit jumps at 200 BPM (eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oemor8Ng-CE?t=2m40s) doesn’t mean I can hit Nami’s bubble properly in the middle of a tense teamfight.

Doesn’t stop me from stealing Baron with it though. That was cool.

Lol nerds

Osu doesn’t help with reaction time in most of the other games because there is 0 lag to account for in Osu and also the rhythm helps coordinate you.

I’m pretty bad at this game
I swear I don’t just play to watch anime girls kiss each other


hnng you’re using the skin I made
I should finish that thing up. Well and solidify the theme and stop changing my mind so much lol

you’re getting better quickly. Keep it up bro.

tapping on circles while listening to cute girls sing helps me forget about my pain and suffering


fuck Youtube…

no strikes, just japs blocking my shit again

japan sucks


Japan sucks dick, here’s why. They have shitty companies that copyright all their shit music and ban it from YouTube but they don’t post it to YouTube on an offical channel either or sell it anywhere without buying the shitty shows to accompy which lets be real, we pirate it because anime is rarely worth real money. So why do they even care, just to be assholes because they hate white people. Also Japanese as a language sucks and girls that speak Japanese all sound like KAWAII DESU NE!?! UGUU~ DESU YO!!! I don’t even know what Japanese men sound like I assume sumo wrestlers going like KYUHHH!!NYUUUU UHHH SONNŌ JŌI, but I wouldn’t know since I only hear fourteen year old schoolgirls talk which apparently all have the kansai accent. Japanese girls are for the most part severly autistic and the few that speak English are terrible at it, a lot of them have trouble doing basic things like talking to people or saying “no” instead of one of their 1000’s of weird ways to say no by saying yes and doing other weird shit. Their accent starts off as cute but once subject to hearing such a basterdization of my native language everyday I get sick of hearing it, sometimes I can’t even tell its in English it’s so bad. If you had autism and dyed your hair black (or dark brown to specific because people can’t actually have black hair god damnit) and then squinted your eyes you’d basically be Nihonjin. Also what the hell is up with desu bullshit I hate having to write it down thousands of times while doing my lessons in their shitty language, every damn sentence ですですです。 FUCK! If Japanese girls didn’t look so much like real life animu girls I would have zero interest in them and it’s impossible to even meet them hear most are spoiled rich girls which makes them about as desirable as the average bitchy white girl I’m subjec to here. They also never wear schoolgirl outfits or thighsocks, but sometimes they wear skirts at least, I try to walk up the stairs behind them on those days.