I screwed up

I have a Toshiba laptop that got seriously infected with Trojans. I couldn’t run repair mode and my CPU usage was 100% with nothing running registry completely screwed. I backed up all my gfx and reborn related stuff then used a boot cd to format my hard drive in Linux. Since Toshiba is too cheap to provide an op system cd I acquired one from my father in law and thought everything was ok. However dumbass me didn’t back up my Ethernet or network drivers and to make matters worse it appears that the program I used to wipe my hd also wiped my partition so I can’t restore factory settings. I’m stuck with my phone for now as the only means to access my Wi-Fi. Any advise except for hindsight would be greatly appreciated.


get system rescue cd and go nutts

Step 1: Go to a computer with internet access, download the drivers on to a thumb drive
Step 2: Stick thumb drive in computer, windows has a universal driver for most USB storage devices
Step 3: Install drivers
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

dude so smart dude

Fixed…( kind of ) my Toshiba came with windows 7 home premium already installed and since I accidentally erased the restore partition I had to use regular windows 7 which is no big deal except it might already be registered to my father in law in which case I will have to order the restore cd from Toshiba. Ethier way im back for at least 30 days =D

Each windows 7 key can typically be used 3 times without issue. After that they’ll make you call to do to the activation which is a PITA.

Nice it just activated with no problems so im in the clear. :fro: