Hey whats up? I have a couple of ideas I think would make reborn allot more badass if you could make a new version of the editor with layers like rpg maker complete with a bigger section for animated tiles and maybe 24bit color support. With that we could make a free server to stomp graals player count.I remember NW had layers but I think they lagged but im sure theres a way to do it without lag.
Wasn’t the nw client pretty much the same as the one your using now just with a few different features? why not find someone to edit the client? for now I can make do but im thinking big improvements.
[QUOTE=Nalin;5392]New World was a special client. Graal doesn’t have tile layer support at all. You just have to make due with images set to a different vis layer.[/QUOTE]
Layers DO work. You just have to edit your NW-files manually somehow. The leveleditor never supported layers. Layers can’t go OVER a player though.
[QUOTE=Nalin;5405]New task for Cadavre: Find out the layer format.[/QUOTE]