I just finished playing through Twilight Princess again, and there's a couple of things I noticed.
“Does Ilia love Link?” They grow up together, and have a great relationship, and Link goes through hell, literally, to help Ilia get better. Once she recovered her memory, she tells Link “Don’t worry about me anymore. I’ll be waiting for you”. And at the end of the game credits, it shows her standing on the edge of Ordon Village, watching Link ride off to go wherever he was going. Personally, I think they both have feelings for each other, even though Link looks somewhat older than her.
“Why does Midna break the Mirror of Twilight?” She agrees with Zelda, saying that “As long as the Mirror exists, there’s a chance they could see each other again.” And then, as a tear falls from her eye, she seems so overcome with emotion, because all she says is “Link…” and then “I’m Sorry…” and then rushes away to the Twilight Zone (no pun intended). The Mirror breaks, and Link looks as though he’s going to cry.
These questions have been bothering the crap out of me. I'd like to hear you guys's take on it.