LocoRoco: Cocoreccho

Title: LocoRoco: Cocoreccho
Console: PS3

One day, a LocoRoco woke up and found itself in a mysterious world. It looks like there are other LocoRoco still sleeping too. Wake up the other LocoRoco and escape from this world!

You start the game on a small platform asleep, tilt the controller to drop the LocoRoco into the water and wake him up. From there on you control a butterfly that attracts the LocoRoco's attention.

The game is very easy less you plan to get every single LocoRoco. (200 to be exact.)
Still it will only last a few hours.
It's color graphics and brain teasing problems will keep you entertained for those few hours!

My thoughts:
I just recently bought this game from the Playstation store and I love it!
It's so ridiculous it's fun. lol
The song they sing is catchy to an extent, or it may just drive you insane! lol
3 Different Mini-Games to play.
It can be such a frustrating game though at points when the LocoRoco don't do what you wish!
I suggest giving it a try if you want to kill a few hours and own a PS3.
It's changed from the PSP Version of LocoRoco.

Re: LocoRoco: Cocoreccho

I always just called it LocoRoco… is there a sequel?