Looking for a place as NAT

Well, recently I quit a job as NAT on Arcain's server. I scripted all of the systems npcs and more. I also worked on the modern server named Xeraxtor. I made the guns, health and gui systems, and was working on cars when the server went out. Wondering if there are any modern or linear quest servers out there. Reply :wink:

Re: Looking for a place as NAT

I can vouch for LittleRiggsey, a.k.a. Downsider, while he did not script ALL of our NPCs he did script alot of them and his work is excellent. I would highly recommend his skills to anyone who needs a good NAT. I hope that you will still help us out at Xoria from time to time when you have time, Downsider.

Re: Looking for a place as NAT

I need help scripting stuff for my server, but it's more of a total conversion. Not really keeping any of the graal graphics or theme. If you still interested just give me a shout over pm :slight_smile:

Re: Looking for a place as NAT

Id love someone with good scripting experience in my server. Not out yet.

Re: Looking for a place as NAT

lol I would welcome scripters since I fell out of doing that a long time ago, I use to be decent, but my skills have diminished over the years.

Only basics for me.

Of course though the systems I think of would break any scripters dreams of scripting. lol
Plus I like everything to be perfect o!