My Cliffs Suck...

I can usually get the front to come out alright, but the sides and backs are another story. Was hoping you guys might have some screen shots of them done right…


Actually I guess I can split them up in the back the same way as I did in the front… :facehoof: Guess I can get back to work on that mountain after all.

___Merged doublepost__________________

Once I work the stupid shadows into the tileset… I’ll just ditch those cruddy volcano tiles and swap in some poison swamp and mountain tiles…

Tile errors galore! I’ll go back and work corrections into the tileset once I figure out what I actually need.

The logic’s fairly warped, but I can’t pixel well enough to make anything less cartoony than the default set. Still has the nostalgic value and it still hasn’t been used to its potential all these years.