Does anyone have a NPC wep making tutorial or video?
I need one badleh.
Does anyone have a NPC wep making tutorial or video?
I need one badleh.
Re: NPC wep making tutorial
Wrong section but, eh. What the hell.
(Drop the NPC onto the level from the baddy screen or what ever, looks like a chalk outline of a person)
(Double click the NPC then give the NPC an Image)
//NPC Made By <- Comment Bar
if (playertouchsme) toweapons weaponname; //Remember: this adds the WHOLE NPC script as a weapon
if(weaponfired) { // Used with D
setplayerprop #c,I has an NPC;
//Add what ever you want down here, its your NPCw after all.
Re: NPC wep making tutorial
Beholder scripts so often he forgot the English languageā¦
Re: NPC wep making tutorial
Sorry, had to go off-topic on this one. lol
Re: NPC wep making tutorial
I just ate a cheeseburger, actually two