Offering my services as a NAT.

To any scripting noobs out there who would like to have their server online and have some cool scripts in there too, I’m offering my modest scripting skills.
You deliver the idea, I make the script and basic gfxs.
Or if you need a boss, you deliver the gfxs and explain his behavior and I’ll do the rest.

I don’t even care if it ever gets online or popular, I just need to hone my scripting skills, because it’s fun.

I’ve done alot of pondering over this problem and I can’t manage to solve it. Your challenge is multi-level baddies.

Everybody knows the colored baddies are different levels. Like red’s tougher than blue because his power level is higher. Of course I’ve seen some pretty tough gray ones in my day.

I’ll hire you. Pm me for your first task. It will be easy.

I’m pretty sure he’s speaking of baddies that can travel multiple levels.

You got it!


I’m pretty sure that’s only functional on gmaps which in their own right are screwed else I would’ve had level traversing baddies a long time ago I’m pretty sure…

Tricxta got to’im first :smiley: