For some reason when i put images in my image folder the pictures for the npc wont load and its weird. >:( And second question where exactly do i put ganis for them to work in the server portion. Thx Graal reborn team and others love yall
Re: OK this may sound dumb but
Depends specifically on your foldersconfig.txt
So if its just an image, you’ll want something like.
file images/*.png
file images/*.mng
file images/*.gif
Within this config, you should make the folder like so.
Though if your images refuse to work ingame entirely, like in offline mode, chances are you have an invalid image, one with a palette size that is too large for graal to handle.
The maximum palette size this version of graal can handle is 256colors, chances are if you use MS Paint or Adobe to save, your palette size is around 16 million.
(The Palette is the ammount of colors/indexes available to you, not neccesarily the ammount you use.)