I banned acnts 47579, 47570 (graal.in acnts) ip= - Multiple Accounts, Packet Hacking the player account flags on Xoria PW. Not sure if anyone cares about packet hackers on graal.in servers or not but i figured id share incase any other server admins care XD.
Re: Packet Hackers
Curiously… were they disconnected. How did you figure they were 'packet hackers'
Re: Packet Hackers
I already replied to Joey's inquiry in IRC but I figured I'd post my reply here also for the benefit of other server admins who might be interested or have not yet dealt with the issue.
Typically my experience has been that when someone is packet hacking on your sever, if you open their account attributes and look at their flags you will see junk like this:
027 .27CD#?!4
"0! 2DJ?# D233
That is a dead give away that they are hacking and you should ban the IP and report it. Also this will usually cause the GServer to crash and thereby disconnect everyone else from the game until you can re-start the server.
Re: Packet Hackers
Good to know. I'll get on it.
Re: Packet Hackers
I'll look into this again.
Re: Packet Hackers
It has come to my attention that there may be more than one issue conflicting with the way Gserver handles packets, in which case it is more difficult to prove packet hacking just by junk in player flags.
Re: Packet Hackers
Some clients cause more errors than others. More specifically vs
Re: Packet Hackers
Thats good to know.
Me thinks this thread should be moved to Development. (I know its my fault for putting it here in the first place. -srry) ;p
Re: Packet Hackers
Reminds me of 1.39 clients. 1.3.9 vs
Re: Packet Hackers
hmm one thing is true since 1999 … where there is graal, there will be people trying to hack servers … may they all die slowlly and painfully …
Re: Packet Hackers
meh I could logically do what there doing since I've got the program – they just flood the server by sending already-received packets.
Re: Packet Hackers
or it could've been that the users (like me) have slow connections like dial-up
and all the lag clashed up and it became true but its a negative
Re: Packet Hackers
yeah… no… learn how tcp works before suggesting such bs.
Re: Packet Hackers
Trying? Give us a little credit, we succeed at times