Player Hats/GC Tickets

Due to the pretty overwhelming amount of gralats you can acquire with not much to spend on outside of MP or Hearts, what does the community think of these 2 ideas?

Idea 1: Having an actual hat system, not just ‘sethat hat1.png’ etc. With Hat shops dotted around the map, with a wide selection in stock. And other hats found during miniquests.

Idea 2: Due to the low playercount, hosting is well… near impossible. I know Arianna suggested in another thread that tickets should be had through quests, now that’s a good idea in it’s own right but what about a gralat to Tickets converter machine?

If you like both ideas then say so, you don’t have to choose one. If you like neither, please state why, and if you have one, a better idea!

Just throw in both.

I think there should be a certain amount of stock and you can win certain ones through events. That is if there is ever a big enough player count.

Hat shops are NOT CLASSIC! I will destroy everything if there are hat shops.

Yeah i was hoping no one or not many would actually want hat shops lol. Not classicy at all, and would save me time and headache implementing it.

Hat shops are definitely not a good idea.

The old GC prize system at the end of quests could be fun.

i agree!

i really hate searching for hats i want, sometimes they dont even exist :frowning: