Post Yourself

Are there Hydroponics in your house?

It’s my defunct cat. He died like 8 years ago now O_O. Still hard to believe not all cats are as awesome as he was.

I have to say that I thought this was going to be filled with neckbeards. Thankfully, you’re all pretty good lookin’ and well-groomed too.

I want a Corolla! ;_;

*tips le fedora XD

sausage fest

show us ur tits

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn shannon is actually a guy.

She’s a girl.

How long have we had a female member?

since that thing about the ugcc got posted.

Claire… Aspen… Aspen’s daughter… Dontar… just to name a few


Most Recent Picture of me

What tits?

___Merged doublepost__________________

You’re probably right

___Merged doublepost__________________

( . Y . )

only thing missing in this picture if a waifupillow

I find guns to be such a violent thing that they are out of my hability to understand… and I hit 130 at IQ tests.

I have a decent IQ, it’s about 125. I used to hate guns and thought they were for savages. Eventually I started playing FPS games and decided I wanted to give guns another try. I’m not sure what exactly happened but when I was shooting a Lee Enfield rifle something changed. Watching whatever I shot blast to smithereens with the pull of a trigger made me realize I love shooting. I only target shoot, I don’t hunt since I’m vegetarian and too much of a bitch to ever shoot at animals anyway. I understand idiots shooting people up quite frequently in Canada makes guns seem to be only for violent purposes, but those guys are assholes that usually got their guns illegally. I’d at least like to know if some ISIS kebab or other stupid terrorist shit is going on where I live that I have the means to defend myself. And who is gonna be the guy with his own harem in a zombie apocalypse? That’d be me, the crazy guy with guns.

What does IQ have to do with guns? Also, killing someone with a gun is no worse than killing someone with a knife. It’s the person, not the tool.

I figured my IQ would at least give you guys some sense of rest, knowing that I am at least somewhat safer than most people with guns.

Most guns are designed to be used against people, which is not the case for knives. Guns are also much more powerful. I really dislike guns. The reason why anyone in a lasting peace situation would own a handgun is beyond me.

But anyway, dylan’s free… I’ve got nothing against that picture. It just compelled me to voice my opinion on guns, particularly handguns.

Handguns are a lot less dangerous than rifles, as they are weak and inaccurate. Handguns are very popular for shooting competitions as well. You have no idea how difficult it is to get a handgun in Canada, anyone who owns one isn’t going to be stupid with it. Legally in Canada you are only allowed to shoot handguns at a gun range. As for knives I have a small collection, all of them are bayonets designed for stabbing people to death. Am I going to stab anyone? No. I understand it’s your opinion, but this opinion has caused a lot of problems and made it a living hell for many Canadian gun owners. Prior to the 90’s the gun laws in Canada allowed almost all semi automatic firearms, until the Liberals came to power and banned every single gun seen in action movies. Because of those ignorant people I will never get the hands to own an AK-47, and man of my favorite rifles. And do you really believe we are a pastin peace situation. I don’t want to sound like GOATSE, but look at the news. Russians are taking over Ukraine, everything is progressively going to shit in the middle east, European and American economy is collapsing and now the Canadian Parliament Buildings have been attacked. Does this sound like lasting peace?

I haven’t ever felt in danger of being attacked by an organized group, that’s peace to me. I wouldn’t think anyone would be wrong of owning a gun in those places that are at war.

I’m glad you can’t own an AK47, not because I think you could use it. But because it would make that gun available in your area.