Problems Logging in?

Please goto if you are currently using (or another domain) as there are issues logging into the forums from that address.

I’m using, I don’t have any problems with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a problem with cookies and multiple addresses. Marlon said he’ll fix it soon – it occurred due to updating vbulletin to vBulletin 3.71 Patch 2.

I made a temp-fix. You can now login on all forum.domain but not on www. since my hack got removed. I’ll put all my hack stuff in a separate PHP and all you need to do after a update is to add require_once(); on that hack-file and it should work wonders. :slight_smile:

It’s now completely fixed. :slight_smile: Check PM Joey.

Created a plugin with the appropriate url-parsing. :). All domains we use should now work appropriately now even after updates. (this morning I updated to 3.7.2)