I was wondering if anybody happened to have collected all graal client (possibly Zelda Online) versions throughout the years. I have some but not all the client versions if Anybody can put up client versions they have up for download it would help out a lot in cracknig graal in the long run and billllz love you long time =P
Well I have nearly all versions, check the torrent. Alternatively post which version(s) you want and i’ll try dig it up for you.
[QUOTE=Agret;4994]Well I have nearly all versions, check the torrent. Alternatively post which version(s) you want and i’ll try dig it up for you.[/QUOTE]
sweet, I’ll check the torrent when I get home I was wondering if someone could ask on graal P2P forums what are all the graal client versions starting with Zelda Online, possibly also including side projects involving Graalonline such as Graal 3D and NewWorld. Then tell us or link us the results =P (under a different name of course ;/)
I only know of two side projects of Graalonlnie which are NW and Graal 3D but both are flops. Technically we could say unixfag was trying to startup another side project called Fairyland online. Since Unixmad is a thief and a liar their may be potential for him the eerr borrow code from that project to graal… So I guess anything counts as long as it’s related to Stefan, Unixmad, a somewhat official Graalonline project or a project rip for graalonline =P If someone can get information on projects Stefag or Unixmad have been interested or involved in that would be great as well, I’m sure Unixfag will gladly show off =P
I tried playing FairyLand a while back. Total failure. Nobody was ever online.
Although I think I read something about it the other day. Maybe it’s still up?
I tried playing FairyLand a while back. Total failure. Nobody was ever online.
Although I think I read something about it the other day. Maybe it’s still up?
Client version list. Some may be missing, but I got most of them!
I tried playing FairyLand a while back. Total failure. Nobody was ever online.
Although I think I read something about it the other day. Maybe it’s still up?
Nah, they put an end to Fairy Lands, they made them suffer for a little bit before giving them the axe, but no where near as close as what Graal Online players have gone through. Some of the Fairy Lands hang out on the www.graalians.com / UGCC forum.
Can someone put up graal ver 4.0 up for download if they have it, im gonna do a little experimenting