I.Words from meh.
- Connection
- Navigation
::2a. Commands
::2b. Player List
::2c. Account List
::2d. To All List
::2e. File Browser
::2f. Options
::2g. Server Flags
::2h. Folder Options
::2i. Server Options - Player manipulation.
::3a. Help Commands Explained
::3b. Player
::3c. Player Rights and Folder Rights
::3d. Player Access
Words from meh
This might not be the best tutorial, but I will alter it MANY times until I feel it is decent enough!
This tutorial covers the usage of the RC included with Graal Reborn within the folder titled “RC2”.
The location for it is “graal_reborn\RC2”.
There are many files within the folder alongside it that allow you to alter the images if you use the GUI option.
I do not use the GUI option, but both of them act exactly the same so don’t stress it!
This tutorial will use the GUI option since most people use it.
This is pretty easy and straight forward, first open the RC2_2.05.exe whichever way you’d like.
Okay, input your account information, as well as your nickname for your RC.
Not so hard right? Then go ahead and click “Ok”
Afterwards you’ll see a new menu pop up, this menu is the serverlist.
It shows all the hidden servers alongside all the servers in tabs in one big ol’ list.
Now, click on your server and it will become highlighted just like mine is highlighted “Evi”.
If your server isn’t showing, try and clicking the refresh button and it should clear up the current server cache that’s loaded and load up a fresh one.
If it still isn’t showing, then you need to configure your Gserver still.
Once your server is highlighted go ahead and click connect, or even double click your server name.
Good job, you’re connected!
So, after you’re connected you’re going to see something like this
Okay cool stuff, now we see all these menus and odd icons what the hell is this?
This is the Remote Control, you can more or less guess what you’re going to be learning.
First I’ll say this, type in /help to see a list of commands that will be useful later.
Some of these are shortcuts for navigating through players, as well as updating all your levels at once and so on.
All of these commands do EXACTLY what the are telling you, but I will explain them more later in another section after I cover
all of the navigation to you, as well as other ways to access them.
As you can see, there aren’t all that many commands in here for you to worry about learning.
You can also chat with other RC’s connected through here as though it was a chat room.