Registrations closed for now...

Since we have this massive influx of spambots, we have temporarily disabled new registrations. If you need to register, contact me here or on [email protected]!

Altered the registration, now asks a question about what this site is about with a hint to answer the question. Answer is Graal Reborn if anyone can’t figure it out from the hint lol…

Something tells me people arent going to get that question right

[QUOTE=skoopa;95879]Something tells me people arent going to get that question right[/QUOTE]

Good way to make sure everyone in the community has an iq over 10 then.

[QUOTE=RileyFiery;95911]It’s not stopping the bots though.[/QUOTE]

That’s because nobody will ban them. :open_mouth:

Oh my…

How about you just integrate keycaptcha? Works great for my site.

[QUOTE=Nalin;95915]How about you just integrate keycaptcha? Works great for my site.[/QUOTE]

I believe that’s what is already installed for vbulletin. Seems xrumer now can bypass that. – Anyway I forgot to enable the registration question, it is registered now.

Edit To confirm that: - xrumer does indeed pass keycaptcha’s now as of about two weeks ago, explains the uprise in forum spam.

I believe that’s what is already installed for vbulletin. Seems xrumer now can bypass that. – Anyway I forgot to enable the registration question, it is registered now.

Edit To confirm that: - xrumer does indeed pass keycaptcha’s now as of about two weeks ago, explains the uprise in forum spam.

Actually, reCaptcha was the one that was enabled. I enabled keycaptcha. We’ll see how that does. If it fails, let’s use the question.

EDIT: Keycaptcha isn’t even installed right. It doesn’t work and the system defaults to reCaptcha. I’ll fix this.
EDIT: Got it working.

Actually, reCaptcha was the one that was enabled. I enabled keycaptcha. We’ll see how that does. If it fails, let’s use the question.

EDIT: Keycaptcha isn’t even installed right. It doesn’t work and the system defaults to reCaptcha. I’ll fix this.
EDIT: Got it working.

Seen it before when i was testing registering, thats the picture matching thing right? Regardless with that, and the question i doubt we will get spam anymore which is good. lol, shame that’s the only people who ever post here.

This one must be trying to prove a point.