Hi guys!
The latest Gserver works great with many nice features, but i’m having a weird issue…
Gserver crashes each somebody goes into a given level
The level is the following “lizboss.nw”
Here’s a link if you wanna check it out
I don’t really get it… I kept doing tests, I’ve cleaned up the code, and at least 50% of the time the server crashes while the player is in the lizboss.nw level
You can usualy get out of the level and walk for a while, but the level in the player status remains lizboss.nw and it eventualy crashes and brings you back to an older state when the Gserver restarts.
When this bug occurs, the Gserver takes 100% of it’s allowed CPU and it cannot be closed by ctrl-C, even if it says that the server is shutting down (I’ve let it open for a night and it was still frozen using 100% CPU)
I don’t know if something is wrong with the level, but I don’t see a reason why the Gserver would hate it so much…
Here are some elements that could help you point out the problem:
This level uses custom baddies gifs (black and white lizards)
This level uses the ifcompusdied twice, but the bug seems to occur after the first compusdied