Yes…yet another server in development which I will be hosting a preview soon… I am looking for any skilled in areas of graphics, level design, and or GScript willing to donate some time to this server. Of course FTP Access and Remote access would be available to those who donate actively and are approved.
The map is based off of a game i will not mention (yes like every other damn server we stole a world map hehe) and have a level-generator layout based off the attached image
The levels are all grass, no woods, no cliffs (i hate levelgen mountains), of course can be layered over possibly for wooded areas with levelgen
if interested pm me or email me…examples would be great
hehe i can always resize the map image and remap the overworld before i start mapping…i havent ever touched it yet, just worked on the EXP system and GUI i havent had much time in the past few days…3 more days left of training and then im of for a little while so it will be up in about a week for a little preview
WOW that just killed the size of my overworld its only 759 levels, but you can shut off ilands and areas to limit the real size of the server till all the areas are finnished, and can easily add most to my map if need be, but as Agret pointed out 1786 is 17.86 Lvls Per 100 Players.
also would like to point out, i dont find many players like to swim so if you take in to account for water levels that the LP100P goes down quite a bit seen as Waffles seems to be about 2/3s water.
anyway back to the point of this thread… so how far have you gotten on your FF12 map?? i got to say i hate the blockyness of the map generated version, i think you need to go over some of the areas abit and add some fine detail to the edge.