You may have noticed serverlist was down today, it was pausing at “Retreiving Server List…”. I restarted the server and it’s working again. Just a heads up that you can play now.
Now I am back at the same error, it says my account/password is invaild. But I can log onto the forums perfectly… please help me out here because I REALLY want to play!
You have to set the List Server password in the UserCP of the forums, it’s on the very botton on the left.
I just did that, and still I get the same friggen error. I tried on both sets of forums and I made a password for the graal account but it still wont work!
Do you have AIM/MSN that I may contact you on? If not please get back on the web chat and PM me.
Don’t look at the server list there, the listserver was recoded and updating that list has not been added yet. I can logon fine and there are about 10 people online at this current time.
im on the chat room right now, so if you could, please help me. Thanks a bunch!
Glad that I could solve your problem
[QUOTE=Agret;5130]Glad that I could solve your problem :)[/QUOTE]
What was the problem?
They were trying to login using their email when they should’ve been using their account name.
I can’t log into the server list. I’m using my forum username and password and it keeps saying “Account name or password is invalid”.