I have the Unholy Nation files on my old Pc from when Graal Power was around xd
I downloaded it but I don't know if I should use em for here or not especially since I only can use Hamachi x_x
Re: Should I?
Oh fucking lord, someone tell him about Hamachi and tell him UN is something we fucking don't need after the last ten attempts. I don't want to be the one with the task of telling him.
Re: Should I?
oO No need to be rude over a forum.
Some people like old UN when it was first released late 99.
And your information is all wrong on the Him o:
I take it your from the 02-04 times >>
Classic UN was fun when it was first released More or less it was a PK Server =/
Ice Spar was filled and people got flamed on for being idiots.
You fail sir, And you already told me about the failed attempt more or less, so why would you
ask someone else to tell me? o_o
Re: Should I?
I'm from 1999 (I keep thinking 1998 but that can't be right) Unholy Nation has already failed, and guessing your that same person from IRC last time. Only YOU care, as far as I know it isn't the time for UN anyways even with Rev 52 release.
I was more reffering to 'Hamachi' as everyone has to have an account on there system to be able to connect which is too much of a hussle (because the server sits on there servers). Also 'You fail' is my quote, if you dare use it you get start getting these in your topics.
Re: Should I?
Nope, I'm new to Reborn =)
I just am use to the UN Gmap when they had there older Crap
Turks home since everyone quit N-pulse around when Dz went to UN
Don't think you all know mutch about the turks history on UN xP
o; I use You fail on a lot of things also
I should open up my Adobe and make a really annoying one =((
But anyway, besides this thanks for the help =)
Re: Should I?
I remember the Turks on UN, the owner I am sitll in contact still with, he still plays on the offical graal online (v5) look for an account called; Ziro_of_the_Turks
He plays on Graal Kingdoms. I may know more than you think. Also gmaps are not supported for now thought I share.
Also, sorry, one guy came into IRC talking about UN as well thats why I went overboard.
Re: Should I?
How big are the files? I'd be interested just to look at different things throughout it.
Re: Should I?
I know Ziro :P, He isn't the original owner, DragnZombie is xP Ziro is the new owner becuase Dz ditched us for WoW
It's only Me, Cove, Paradox, Azc, and Ziro now more or less Oh, And Anti-Christ Me and Azc are the server leaders for Zodiac atm xd I play classic more then Zodiac though now xX
Re: Should I?
Oh, oops, thats right. Hard to keep track of these things anymore since it was such a long time ago.