(SHOWCASE) GUI Work in Progress

so i have been hard at work with chronicles of arkasus. not so much the level design lately, but more into the technical stuff. We have added an ocarina, with its own icon graphics etc. and will be working towards adding new vanity items as time goes on. with that said, i wanted to show everyone the next area that has been bothering me for soooo long to redesign, as most know about me…i hate graals default GUI. i find it ugly, the pixel artwork is not very good, and its cluttered and hard to follow.

so ive been working on my own concept.

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this is obviously far from done. i will be making improvements to the size of certain areas, and the letters will be cleaned up as well, and more retro looking for it. but i wanted to go with a nice wood feel. the shading will also be cleaned as well.

so far, i have got the rupees finished, the entire HUD, and will soon be working on new icons for bomb drops, arrow drops, etc.

also the heart drops are finished, as well as the new 4 piece heart collection quests ill be adding to the new inventory i will be working on soon.

so yeah! lots of progress, working hard away. I know some of you have gotten into contact about working on levels etc. but right now, we are focusing on enemies, (which i have been developing, previews of the mega mole will be put up once i am finished it.), the inventory design, the GUI set up, and increasing the amount of items, and working on developing the system a bit more.

happy holidays everyone. I hope you all had a good couple of weeks. more updates to come.

~ Pixel Ghost

Not bad… Looks pretty good. I definitely think it’s a step up from the default GUI. You’ve been doing lots of nice work lately, keep it up :slight_smile:

I’m liking the feel of it, nice work!


I think that looks pretty good. It’s got a very charming feel to it.

thanks guys. :slight_smile:

What if one has more than one hundred rupees/bombs/darts?

this is just a mere mock up. its not even coded yet. that bar will be stretched out a bit more so there is room for counters, etc. :slight_smile: