Signs / Disconnect

Unable to put blank space or a new line at the beginning of a sign, it gets trimmed off.

MP3’s in the Bomb Arena lobby are disconnecting players at random (lower bandwidth players more affected). The MP3s are already downloaded for most players yet they will still get disconnected at random, this may be a sign that some files (or just large files?) are failing to check for current file properties (Is it just timestamp?) and are trying to resend the file regardless. This issue did not occur in pre v2 versions.

The reason the latest SVNs may be crashing is due to a player silently dropping their connection or timing out (CSocket), which was also the cause to similar issues a long time ago.

siiiiiiiiiiiigh. Nothing is ever an easy fix. Do you host the mp3’s? Or do they get streamed?

Hosting the MP3’s. (Joey is hosting so it’s not raped by my 0.25 mbps upload)
Streamed MP3’s do not cause clients to get kicked, just, lag when initiating the stream (Which is the client’s fault)

See? I was right it WAS the MP3!

[QUOTE=Spooon;32751]See? I was right it WAS the MP3![/QUOTE]
Not “the” mp3, all MP3’s in general. ;D
I cleaned out a bunch of other things, but it was MP3s that brought the bug back.

So yes ;O The theory was correct.

This is why people should listen to me :open_mouth: Would have been reported a week and a half ago instead of now.

[QUOTE=Spooon;32777]This is why people should listen to me :open_mouth: Would have been reported a week and a half ago instead of now.[/QUOTE]
I had to check through multiple times and eventually gut the levels to find it was the MP3s. Lol

:expressionless: or just listen to me and make the world a better place.

Bump :smiley:
Files over 64kb> Still violently disconnect players.
Some poor bastards disconnect every 2 seconds, not giving them even a remote chance to download the file(s).

Here are a few connection ‘Sensitive’ users, which may serve as proper cannon fodder for testing:

Bump :smiley:
Files over 64kb> Still violently disconnect players.
Some poor bastards disconnect every 2 seconds, not giving them even a remote chance to download the file(s).

Here are a few connection ‘Sensitive’ users, which may serve as proper cannon fodder for testing:

Happens to me on a bunch of servers aswell. I have to tap the reconnect-button a whole lot.

Does it only happen upon connection?

It happens at any time a large file is requested and needs to be downloaded from the GServer.