Spooon (23)

Happy birthday Spooon-sama!

Happy birthday! (again)

Happy Birthday!!1!

May your birthday be an happy one and that the happiness lingers forever until your next birthday when you’ll be even more happy and that that happiness lingers too.


i know youre older than 23 though

Nah. I’m 23.

spooon is a clever zombie killing artist.

Late Happy Birthday!

I’m shipping you a cigar

I won’t smoke it, but go ahead.

You can chew it

TIL: I’m older than Spooon.

The good ol’ days.

He had a wife and kid too

There was an imaginary car accident. It was very tragic. Nightmares for minutes.

Lame. Should have been domestic dispute turned into clown murder rampage.


Once I felt love towards spooon for 5 minutes straight. It was the longest I’ve ever experienced. Then Jesus appeared and said: “Stop loving spooon, no one can possibly love spooon less than me so stop it and go back to loving me”. From that experience I put together that spooon is either unloved because of some act of god or surrounded by satanists and spooon is actually the devil and speaks secretly with Obama about control of the population and poverty in europe.

I also suspect he’s here to try out his new social engineering theories on a small group.

Spooon is just a guy that doesn’t like bullshit.

Very late. Happy belated!