Staff Boots!

Here are some simple staff boots. Will go over any blocking objects, and will also increase speed. Press D to turn on, and D again to turn off! Enjoy!

outdated...use the other one

If you use/edit/read this, all I ask is that you thank/rep me :slight_smile: Enjoy!


Eh, thanks to riley for re-opening this. Here is a new, better script I wrote for boots xD

if(playerenters)toweapons Staff/Staff Boots;
  code = strtofloat(#p(0));
  if(code==keycode(t)){this.on = (this.on +1)%2; this.speed = 1; timeout=0.05;
  setplayerprop #c,Boots: On;
setplayerprop #c,Boots: Off;
if(this.on==1 && timeout){
if (playerchats && startswith(/speed,#c)) {
  tokenize #c;
  this.speed = strtofloat(#t(1));
  setplayerprop #c,Speed set to #t(1)!;
  say2 Press "t" to turn on or off.#bSay /speed and the speed you#bwant to change the speed.;

There is already a staff boots script.

Yeah, but it wasn’t written by me so it isn’t beautiful XD

Well I for one like Alex’s script better than the Pegasus Staff Boots I’ve been using. It has the exact same functionality but is about half the length and looks much cleaner.

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Here is the one I have been using by Shadow Knight:

// NPC made by Shadow Knight
if (playertouchsme) {
  toweapons *Staff/Pegasus Boots;
  You can either fire the weapon#b
  to turn it on or off or say#b
  "boots on" to turn it on and#b
  "boots off" to turn it off;
if (weaponfired) {
  if (bootson) {
    unset bootson;
  else if (!bootson) {
    set bootson;
if (timeout && bootson) {
  if (keydown(0)) {
  if (keydown(1)) {
  if (keydown(2)) {
  if (keydown(3)) {
if (playerchats&&isweapon) {
  if (strequals(#c,boots on)) {
    set bootson;
  if (strequals(#c,boots off)) {
    unset bootson;

PS: The STAFF Flag is just to make sure it stands out in players flags and for tracking.

Just try out the boots instead of judging by the writers experience :stuck_out_tongue:

Dear Op: Nice, very clean and elegant.

Also, OP, your boots have an fun/interesting effect when running across blocking tiles and playing with the “a” key :wink:

Anyhow, I like the boots. At least the script is a lot cleaner than some of the others.
I like compact things.

Erm, lol, I’d appreciate it if you posted more maturely/less insultingly next time? Thanks for the feedback though. I really don’t think I am a coder/act like one…so not sure what you have been looking at. Just posting the scripts I got asked for in game… :slight_smile:

i like running into water while pulling with your boots.

New and now updated script xD This one should be much better and easier to use, and can be turned on/off in water :0 Basically just did this for practice lol.

Awesome boots! Finally, boots that change the speed. Though for /speed #
you can do /speed (letters here).

So like

/speed Hi


I could just do…

if (playerchats && startswith(/speed,#c)) { tokenize #c; if(strtofloat(#t(1))>0){ this.speed = strtofloat(#t(1)); setplayerprop #c,Speed set to #t(1)!; } }

if I really wanted to, but I hope that people wouldn’t be so stupid as to try to set their speed to “hi”


Lol yeah but still.

i dunno if graal converts text to ascii. like hi<hello stuff

I meant for it check if it is a number

The boots wont work for me :frowning:

hi would be equivalent to 0 I beleive, which in that case check for <=0. It should work :slight_smile:

I love these boots!


Lol, benjiro, I originaly scripted them for you xD Just thank my post if you can :0

Then people were talking about my other boots sucking (which were from my first day scripting) so I decided to redeem myself.

Tricxta, would 0 still activate the check if it checks for <=0…since 0 IS greater than OR equal to 0…>.> I would do a check for it to be greater than 0, but then some idiot would come here and troll that he can’t set speed to 0 >.>

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BTW, if anybody needs help putting these onto their server, just PM me and I’ll help :slight_smile: