Standard Image Protection

With Pangaea recently overwritting barrel.png, and in doing so going against every fucking thing posted on the forums, I think it’s time to add some protection for these common images. All images, such as barrel.png, should be protected within the gserver, and not allowed to be overwritten. This will enforce a naming policy that is very much needed.

Do it.

The iNoobs have also overwritten some of the default 1-30 heads, they’re absolutely senseless. I still think we should just leave those servers hidden until they can handle the basics. Give them some time to get the idiocy out of their systems before they go exposing themselves publicly.

DO IT. I’m sick of head 6, 10, and any other fucking heads that got overwritten looking like emo or “hipster” bullshit.

I figured out who was doing it. His account is iflame. I’ve confronted him about it when I noticed him setting head54.png and it was a “hipster” head. Supposably, some fag named iPanda on iPhone Graal gave kids permission to remake default heads and now they are spreading all over GraalOnline and now Graal Reborn.

[QUOTE=Spooon;46171]I figured out who was doing it. His account is iflame. I’ve confronted him about it when I noticed him setting head54.png and it was a “hipster” head. Supposably, some fag named iPanda on iPhone Graal gave kids permission to remake default heads and now they are spreading all over GraalOnline and now Graal Reborn.[/QUOTE]

Oh noes!!! :cry:

goes emo


Still doesn’t make sense to give them the same name, maybe something like head6_ifagout.png.

just make your default heads “READ-ONLY” or something <_<

go and delete all the stupid iphone .png’s and resave (making new) the good head#.gif as .png 8bit… (saving as 8bit is how you make em work on graal right?) and then make all your good head files read-only, it should prevent any further overwriting

[QUOTE=Dontar;46175]just make your default heads “READ-ONLY” or something <_<[/QUOTE]

We shouldn’t have to, people should have enough common sense to not overwrite basic files, and because they don’t, the GServer needs to be coded in a way to protect these.

[QUOTE=kalzor;46176]We shouldn’t have to, people should have enough common sense to not overwrite basic files, and because they don’t, the GServer needs to be coded in a way to protect these.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but untill that happens, replacing and making read-only is best we can do right now…looks at whoever is coding gserver Make it so, please

[QUOTE=Dontar;46190]looks at whoever is coding gserver Make it so, please[/QUOTE]

I’m glad we can agree

Hmm. This will introduce issues. Say I don’t have barrel.png. I join your server and it tries to send me barrel.png. The gserver will then block it because it is “protected”. End result? I don’t get barrel.png.

I suppose what I could do is expand upon the global files stuff. Currently, the listserver can have a bunch of global files. If the gserver doesn’t have the file, it can send a request to the listserver asking for the file. That lets us have the global heads.

What I could do is create a special program that acts as a file repository. You can then tell the gserver which repositories it should use. The purpose of the repositories is to always keep your files synchronized. Normally, the gserver will only send a file to the client if the client’s file is older than the one on the gserver. The repository can be set up to always send the file if it doesn’t match, ie, the client’s file is different. Somebody in the community could host their own repository that includes a whole bunch of common files. If barrel.png gets overwritten, you just need to connect to a gserver that is connected to the repository to get it replace.

How does that sound?

Hmm. This will introduce issues. Say I don’t have barrel.png. I join your server and it tries to send me barrel.png. The gserver will then block it because it is “protected”. End result? I don’t get barrel.png.

I suppose what I could do is expand upon the global files stuff. Currently, the listserver can have a bunch of global files. If the gserver doesn’t have the file, it can send a request to the listserver asking for the file. That lets us have the global heads.

What I could do is create a special program that acts as a file repository. You can then tell the gserver which repositories it should use. The purpose of the repositories is to always keep your files synchronized. Normally, the gserver will only send a file to the client if the client’s file is older than the one on the gserver. The repository can be set up to always send the file if it doesn’t match, ie, the client’s file is different. Somebody in the community could host their own repository that includes a whole bunch of common files. If barrel.png gets overwritten, you just need to connect to a gserver that is connected to the repository to get it replace.

How does that sound?

or we could just put the default images in our server’s , which ive been doing on mine for quite some time now . on a different note , since when does ipanda have the right to tell people they can mess with stefan’s images ?

That doesn’t work because his image has a modified time greater than your image, so the gserver won’t send out the old image.

You know, I have a better idea. Make it so instead of banning the loser 12 year old kids, have all the basic .gifs/.pngs (tileset stuff that was turned into gifs for transparancy etc.) put into all the versions of graal reborn and make them read-only from the beginning that way anyone who now downloads graal can’t edit and redownload shitty art that isn’t say… barrel.png, all fixies.

Better yet, could they just be thrown into the global folders by someone with access?

[QUOTE=urza;46245]Better yet, could they just be thrown into the global folders by someone with access?[/QUOTE]

I like what I said better.

Naw Man


What I could do is create a special program that acts as a file repository. You can then tell the gserver which repositories it should use. The purpose of the repositories is to always keep your files synchronized. Normally, the gserver will only send a file to the client if the client’s file is older than the one on the gserver. The repository can be set up to always send the file if it doesn’t match, ie, the client’s file is different. Somebody in the community could host their own repository that includes a whole bunch of common files. If barrel.png gets overwritten, you just need to connect to a gserver that is connected to the repository to get it replace.

How does that sound?

I like this idea.

I already started doing something like this on Zolderon using Beholder’s preloader, but the GServer might not let this work if the time stamp shit is like Nalin said it is.