stayconnected =

How about a new server option, a list of players that you don’t want disconnected.


So and so wouldn’t be disconnected from standing idle, while others would be from standing idle.

stayconnected= TimeMan (My Timer player so everyone has the same time)

u can use serverwarp in the meantime
what i do in my level is have a script like this

if (playerenters||timeout){
if (strequals(#a,timeman))playerx=random(0,64);

u can use serverwarp in the meantime
what i do in my level is have a script like this

if (playerenters||timeout){
if (strequals(#a,timeman))playerx=random(0,64);

…thats one useless script man =/

You know you could just make the player say something every once and a while, to keep 'em connected right?
I still don’t see the point of this option. To allow some to not be disconnected by moving and not others?

Even if you had one idle client controlling some serverstring for everyone, like one of the previous suggestions, move them around.

  • Oh apparently that’s what you’re doing. Well obviously such a player is going to be isolated, so, move’em around, make 'em talk.


function onPlayerChats(){
if( = “/warp”){
if( = “/stop”){

function onTimeOut(){
if(client.stopwarp = 0){
if(client.stopwarp = 1){

If you can convert it, you can use it.

You’re using ‘=’ for comparisons instead of ‘==’ :open_mouth:

[QUOTE=Beholder;39618]You’re using ‘=’ for comparisons instead of ‘==’ :O[/QUOTE]

What would you say is being compared?

if( this == that ) { }

How about a nice simple…

if (playerenters) {

if (playerchats) {
if (strequals(#t(0),/nodisconnect)) {
if (strequals(#t(1),on)) {
this.on = 1;
} else {
this.on = 0;
timeout = 20;

if (timeout) {
if (this.on == 0) return;
timeout = 20;
if (strlen(#c) <= 0) {
this.alt = (this.alt == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (this.alt == 1) {
setplayerprop #c,.;
} else {
setplayerprop #c,…;

Say “/nodisconnect on” to start it and “/nodisconnect off” to shut it off.

If Beholder’s right about changing the player’s chat to avoid disconnecting, this should prevent it. Can be used as a weapon or level npc.

yeah i think he pretty much has it now guys… doesn’t need our help anymore…

All he wanted was his account in an isolated level to be online all the time, because the player controls the time for the server… and runs all other kinds of scripts and things

Funny thing is, there’s a “timervar” which could also do the job of time management.

[QUOTE=Beholder;39692]Funny thing is, there’s a “timervar” which could also do the job of time management.[/QUOTE]

Is it timervar or timevar?
because timevar doesn’t seem to work on GR, also timevar cant increase 0.05 every 0.05 seconds…

I think timevar changed every second, dont quote me on that…

This is a hackish way at GR Timevar that works just as good if not better…
As long as nothing happens to the “time master” player…

I dont think with timevar you can do a timecheck then 0.05 secs later do another check to see if its different, this prevents modem tapping duplication or lag dupe.

Is it timervar or timevar?
because timevar doesn’t seem to work on GR, also timevar cant increase 0.05 every 0.05 seconds…

I think timevar changed every second, dont quote me on that…

This is a hackish way at GR Timevar that works just as good if not better…
As long as nothing happens to the “time master” player…

I dont think with timevar you can do a timecheck then 0.05 secs later do another check to see if its different, this prevents modem tapping duplication or lag dupe.

timevar has never worked like that. Ever. timevar increases by 1 every 5 seconds, and has done that ever since it was first created. The gserver actually controls what timevar is set to, so every client on the server is guaranteed to have the same value.

so u could use that 2 make a day
ight system??

[QUOTE=Nalin;39709]so every client on the server is guaranteed to have the same value.[/QUOTE]
Just not at the same time when they lag, haha

so u could use that 2 make a day
ight system??

Of course. I used it to make a day/night system on Waffles just fine.

Just not at the same time when they lag, haha

Yeah, of course, that is the inherent problem with networked video games. But everybody will at least be on the same page. You can easily use it for non-time critical things.

[QUOTE=Beholder;39715]Just not at the same time when they lag, haha[/QUOTE]

That’s exactly why I’m going to use a person to control time. xd

Call it my problem, small things like that annoy me O: especially with how shops are going to be controlled since they are going to restock on specifix “weeks” and “Months” so my little time control is kinda needed since I can’t really hack the gserver up until I decide to study things and learn how other things work. O:

Still going to be the same issue. Some people genuinely lag.
Eg: some people can literally have a 10 second delay on them or like to ‘miss’ packets. -_o

Still going to be better than having someone three hours behind and twelve months behind if you ask me.

[QUOTE=Twiggy;39770]Still going to be better than having someone three hours behind and twelve months behind if you ask me.[/QUOTE]
The only way that would happen is if the clock on the computer the gserver is hosted on is messed up.