This is the last Smash Bros., series Sakurai is working on and yet its been almost four months now since Dec. 3 delay, well, I have bigger news too share.
Thats right! Sakurai has fucking delayed the game yet again! What pure bull shit! Why you ask? This is why.
No seriously though, thats not the reason, but it could very well might be. Below is a picture of USA notice on Smash Bros., about the update…
I assure you, this is real go look for yourself…so now the release date is March 9th… Also look at Japans release date…
Go look for yourself, they only got a week delay. Yeah, what bullshit. What are your guys comments?
Oi, of course it is, though, its just stupid that the date keeps changing. Whats the point? Why keep changing it and giving up hopes for everyone? I say just don't have a release date until there ready.
DNF… Also known as Duke Nukem Never. Just give up on that one.
As for Brawl; Yeah, it sucks. I agree, but think of it this way… There are issues with the game that need to be fixed. It's not a matter of laziness or inability, they're losing money by doing this; it's not simply because they want to take their time. I'm willing to wait, so long as the end product shows they actually used the extension.
Yet another note: The reason Japanese games are released first is that they originate in Japanese. They are, later, ported to English. Sometimes there are issues in the import that cause delays. And sometimes, the versions actually vary. They have their reasons and I can't begin to define them all. These are just the more prominent ones.
Oi. If any of you even remember, the oringal release for SSBB was last year Dec. 3 the US/JAP games were going to be released at the same time, and of course it got delayed. Date moved to Feb. 10 got delayed again. Date is now March 9th.
So far these delays have proven one point; It will probably get delayed again until end of the year just like that Zelda DS game was.
Also if you didn't know, SSBB is not using the same coding engine from before, so therefore there isn't any 'fixes' its all 'new' if your point thinking the longer its delayed means it will be better, thats pure fail. I can number a few games that people were dieing for to be released but some kept getting delayed, and guess what, yup, the game sucked ass. Looking up the history of Zelda DS for ex, will help this.
Keep in mind, the ONLY release dates are JAP/US ones, so the game was suppose to come out at the sametime JAP's does, whats keeping it from it? I think we can figure that one out quite easily…it could be because all the losers in the world want 'Megaman' or 'Sonic The Hedgehog' as far as I know, the Smash Bros., series did just fine without them.