Teleporting NPC

Doesn’t work right at all.

Only works right for the first player in the level.

if the second player touches it, it runs up until the timeout correctly, but the timeout never finishes and runs the next code to do the teleport.

if the first player touches it, it works fine and does end up teleporting them both. even if the second player moved along a few moments ago because it didn’t work…

get it? If you need the gani’s. just hop on rogueworld so they download, easier.

// NPC made by Rogue
if (created){
message Teleporter;
setimg warptile.gif;

if (playertouchsme) {
freezeplayer .75;
setani teleport_out,;
timeout =0.75;


if (timeout){
setani teleport_in,;
setlevel2 ndd_outside_01_01.nw,30,50;


I don’t know if this will help you or not. This is the teleport script I use in the Xoria Mage’s Guilds. It works by the player saying “/teleport” and having enough XGP to pay for the service, rather then stepping on a tile. Hope this helps.

// NPC made by Arcain
// Mage teleporter

if (playerchats&&strequals(#c,/teleport)) {
if (strtofloat(#s(client.xgp)) < 1){
say 1;}
if (strtofloat(#s(client.xgp)) > 0){
setstring client.xgp,#v(strtofloat(#s(client.xgp))-1);
setplayerprop #c,Teleported!;
players[1].dir = 1 * 2;
players[1].sprite = 1 * 0;
setlevel2 cervole_mage8.nw,17,23;


Nope, doesn’t help.

not sure if it’ll work but have you tried function???

A triggeraction would do it xD but they are gay

if (created||playerenters)

Nalin gets the win for only truly useful post. I’ll give that a try. thanks.

created bugs, just so you know. that’s why you should use if (created||playerenters) instead of just if (created)

Didn’t know created was bugged. Helpful.

Now I understand your previous post, and it doens’t look so stupid.