Okay, I am not all to good with this I can't even connect yet xD But I have small ideas that probally won't matter at all, But I shouldn't give up should I?
Okay, here is The list :]
1- In FAQ Create an Accounts guide ( Some people seem to get confused with there forum account being there Graal account as well xX Like me >< )
2- In FAQ Have a System requirements mabye? 75mb RAM, Basic graphics card type info ( Just to run the program more or less and probally some Recomended MB/GFX Card even though they don't really need anything awesome to play an awesome game =) )
3- Explination how to connect to a server ( I'm stupid, There are bound to be more like me. :o)
4- I'm not sure if it's only me But I think the in the Servers tab on the forums, the player count isn't read propper. ( Or nobody is on xX )
That's all more or less all stupid simple stuff, But it could help some of us newbies on Reborn, I'm use to Graals way since it's already done =) I'm pretty sure some people had issues as well. But I'm finished here I guess O: