Triggeraction hack: Update level

Triggeraction hack: Update level. It’ll be helpful on classic.

As such as I’d like to say “give 'em staff rights”.
Yeah… I could understand a legitimate use for wanting an NPC to be able to update the level.


[QUOTE=kalzor;41616]Triggeraction hack: Update level. It’ll be helpful on classic.[/QUOTE]

For the ships, right? The dock levels keep fucking up, and updating the level seems to fix it.

Perhaps you can re-write the scripts on those levels that are glitchy.
Attach the levels that need updating as a zip and ill fix the scripts in them.
Don’t be a smartarse and attach the entire server though :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps you can re-write the scripts on those levels that are glitchy.
Attach the levels that need updating as a zip and ill fix the scripts in them.
Don’t be a smartarse and attach the entire server though :stuck_out_tongue:

Effort. :bang:

I’ll just use the new trigger.

Just give me the levels, i’ll fix them. No effort for you.