Twiggy (21)

Happy Birthday Twiggy! I bet your going to get high! and eat cake! Maybe both!

Happy birthday! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday Twiggy.


Happy b’day :o

Thank you guys :D!

@Mollusk, you are correct I am high! But I am not eating cake :c I have a cold still sadly :[

@Spooon at least you took notice to it :]

Allow me to be the first to call bullshit.

Go ahead and add me and see that my dad and all my friends are wishing me a happy b-day as well as my girlfriend telling me to get better :stuck_out_tongue:
I call bigotry.

Also, would you like the picture of the weed I got? Would that make you happy o_O? I don’t get you, why do you assume everything is a lie?

Nice display pic.

Twiggy is my fav