Twiggy's First Script (Small Hotel!)

As sad and as small as this is this made me rather excited to just be able to do this without any type of help :slight_smile:

Basicly, It’s a really simple hotel that uses Flags to set keys :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, Pay for room 1 or 2 or 3 and it sets the Flag, (key1,2,3)

To allow you to enter the door :slight_smile:

It’s my first script I actually EVER made by myself, I just made it today.

I think it’s not that bad for a basic thing, I may update it in the future when

I’m better ahha

I learned how to do this from the simple little npcprogramming document we all have in our Graal 2001 folder, I also used little knowledge of what I already had :stuck_out_tongue: such as hide and such XD!

But overall, this proves even a brainless chimp can make something IF they want to right?

Because I’m pretty stupid.

good job im proud



The problem I was having at first is I was spelling playertouchesme wrong and shit o_O

When it’s playertouchsme D:

That’s seriously the BIGGEST problem I had LOL

But yeah, thanks :]] my ADHD is exited so I have to rant like a douche-dish about it:]

:0 I have ADHD too!!!

I KNOW, while I worked on this I was walking around my house all giddy talking to myself on how I could script small things in my head now and write them down later!

Then in the middle of working on this I started playing with a rubber ball and my friend Sumo (Tall Fat Fuck) just MAGICALLY appeared in the front of my house with my bestfriend Ashley and my Girlfriend so wE WENT 2 A BUFFET and then we HIT SOME KID like 9 years old with a hockey puck because it flew all out of wack because he hit the fucking thing to hard on the air hockey table then we got kicked out then I came home cleaned my kitchen after getting bitched at

Then I finished the script but in total :]

20 minutes of work to get all that running w00t

Now I don’t know what to do so I’m sitting idle staring at the pixels on Evi ]:

I’m going to make my first weapon script now I think!



That’s amazing, I’m starting school again though I’m pretty bored about it, I just hope I can focus for once O:!!

Downsider and Twiggy = Friendz Forever

I’m making a bush now. I’m happy :]

lol I still mess that up.


I haven’t used playertouchsme in ages, I’m always writing shitty system NPCs and minigames, I swear I haven’t typed it for a while.

I have ADHD, Depression, Asthma, Allergies, Sleep Apnea, High Spinal Fluid Pressure, Inter Cranial Pressure…um…what else…

Furry Syndrome


I have muscular dystrophy and five types of cerebral palsy.


I remember a hotel script that was made for me, i still have it

[code]//Example for “Room/House 1”
if (playerchats) {
//server.room1 = Owner,RentBalance,RentDue,UnLocked
if(strequals(#g,Zinijh Hotel Manager)||strequals(#a, )) { // Manager Controls
if(strequals(#c,Collect Rent)) { // “Collect Rent”
if(strtofloat(#I(server.room1,1)) == strtofloat(#I(server.room1,2))) {
replacestring server.room1,1,0;
playerrupees += strtofloat(#I(server.room1,2));
setplayerprop #c,:Collected Rent:;
} else setplayerprop #c,:Failed to Collect Rent:;
} else if(startswith(setrent ,#c) && strlen(#c) > 8) { // "SetRent "
tokenize #c; replacestring server.room1,2,#t(1);
setplayerprop #c,:Rent set to #v(strtofloat(#I(server.room1,2))):;
} else if(startswith(setowner ,#c) && strlen(#c) > 8) { // "SetOwner "
tokenize #c; replacestring server.room1,0,#t(1);
setplayerprop #c,:Owner set to #I(server.room1,0):;
} else if(strequals(#I(server.room1,0),#a)) { // Rent Controls
if(strequals(#c,Pay Rent)) { // “Pay Rent”
if(playerrupees >= strtofloat(#I(server.room1,2))-strtofloat(#I(server.room1,1))) {
this.temp -= strtofloat(#I(server.room1,2))-strtofloat(#I(server.room1,1));
playerrupees -= this.temp;
replacestring server.room1,1,#v(strtofloat(#I(server.room1,1))+this.temp);
setplayerprop #c,:Rent Paid (#v(strtofloat(#I(server.room1,1)))/#v(strtofloat(#I(server.room1,2)))):;
} else setplayerprop #c,:Insufficient Funds:;
} else if(strequals(#c,Lock Door)) { // “Lock Door”
replacestring server.room1,3,0;
setplayerprop #c,:Locked:;
} else if(strequals(#c,Unlock Door)) { // “Unlock Door”
replacestring server.room1,3,1;
setplayerprop #c,:Unlocked:;

if(playertouchsme) { //If its a Door
if(strequals(#g,Zinijh_Hotel_Manager) // Manager
|| strequals(#I(server.room1,0),#a) // Owner
|| strequals(#I(server.room1,3),1)) { // Unlocked
setlevel2 level,x,y; // Warp to Inside Level
}[/code]still confuses the hell out of me

What a messy script that person made for you, it should have all the rooms inside 1 server string :frowning:

thinks I think I remember making the basis for that script for him.
Its bulky so he could edit it. lol