
I use Miranda too for my windows desktops. I have a personal setup I just carry around when I need to. I’d twit from it. Maybe.

I don’t text cause I don’t have a cellphone.

Pidgin having it would be nice so when I’m not in windows I could twit.

But I still feel odd about it since I would rather some of my closer friends done it.

I’m following the twitter >_<

I’ve bookmarked it. I’ll follow it, im just not registering for a titter account

wtf does that mean? “following the twitter” I went on and saw tons of shit I care nothing about.

I dunno but when I heard, quote

“You can see lindsay lohan’s twitter!” on the radio

I lold

Cool story bro

Wish I’d twitted it.

Wouldn’t be able to, too many characters. ‘micro blogging’ is just a fancy way of saying ‘status update’

Twitter seems like a great big pile of fail to me.

yeah, all I do on it is type, hurrrr durrrr derp, such a waste of time. Why not just sit on irc and write what you’re doing instead.

Anyody hear about the woman who Twitted about her bank getting robbed during the robbery?