I’m scared of gllt being able to edit posts o_o; It’s scarier than the thought of VW being able to do it, and hell he’s already done it multiple times to me. /traumatized.
edit: somehow I should be mod because of the amount of DERAILING I have done to this forum… yeah sounds just about right. Sign me up folks.
Why wouldn’t you trust me. I am a more than competent PW admin, I have never abused ANYONE even when I first joined. It’s not in my nature, and I have moderated other boards than this one just fine.
Now, why is it that you wouldn’t trust me? I’m dying to hear an explanation.
I don’t trust you because in some cases you can be unreasonable. You always seem to be determined that you’re correct no matter what the situation is. You’ll cancel out everyone’s opinion, and believe that what they say is idiotic and completely unreasonable for the situation; however, I approve of gllt because he takes a neutral side on everything just as tricxta stated.