So i was lating a bridge, doing nothing and then suddenly this happens…
why…? :facehoof::shrug:
So i was lating a bridge, doing nothing and then suddenly this happens…
why…? :facehoof::shrug:
graad editor is trying to access memory it’s not suppose to. ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh
This happens to me when I’m working on levels and my cursor is in one level and I’m trying to edit another on the bigmap. I think, if you are having the same problem I encountered, as long as your are LATing in a level with your cursor you won’t have this problem.
trusting graal editor with your unfinished levels is like trusting yourself to not find some disturbing in one of gllt’s /b/ threads
Question… How do u remove backpals on a level… i was making player houses and topsamman had backpals dusk.png… Now my server and editor is blue…
to fix ur editor try removetiledefs; in a npc
Works, but when i set my old tiles it goes back to dusk.png
removebackpal i believe;
---------- Post added at 03:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------
[/COLOR]Um… I changed my tiles from original graal to my server on graal reborn, then I get that… i changed it back to my old tiles, but got the same thing, i reinstalled graal, restarted the server, ect. But still nothing, it works on graaleditor though… I also asked tore if he could see the “static” and he said no, he sees the old tiles. Help…?
Try clearing out the tiledefs file associated with your server graal reborn->levels->tiledefs->tiledefsMorrow.txt
Just delete the file.
go through all your scripts and remove any instance of backpals , all of em . then restart the editor . don’t use backpals as they are all messed up . i had to go through countless old levels and remove them cause of that .
setbackpal pics1.png;
Tried that, doesnt work.[COLOR=“Silver”]
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------
[/COLOR]Fixed it.[COLOR=“Silver”]
---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------
[/COLOR]my editor is still purple though after using setbackpal pics1.png…
That’s weird.
backpals are a little bit of a bitch to get rid of. Good luck lol
This thread is posted in the wrong place. Too lazy to bother moving it though.
gimme rights and I can
I wouldn’t trust you with mod rights…
Why wouldn’t you trust me. I am a more than competent PW admin, I have never abused ANYONE even when I first joined. It’s not in my nature, and I have moderated other boards than this one just fine.
Now, why is it that you wouldn’t trust me? I’m dying to hear an explanation.
I’d trust you, and I kinda am in favour of the addition of a mod who’s more of forum regular such as yourself. I’d feel safer with gllt as a super mod though, he seems to take a more neutral side among all of us.